Sunday, February 19, 2023

Prophets Of Gloom

Yet at the same time they are learning to be idle also, wandering about the homes.  Yet not only are they idle, but gossips also, and meddlers, speaking what they must not.  

1 Peter 5: 13, Concordant New Testament 

Their unprovoked attacks come without warning.  They give no heed to the thoughts or fears of others.  Their only goal, it seems, is to cause distress among those they associate with.  They may be decent people, but their words would not lead one to believe as much.  They are those among us who speak gossip and to the fears of others around us.  I got another dose of this this past week while in a conversation with a few coworkers.  One individual in particular, whose habit has been to create anxiety among others, mentioned the fact that the Portland area could be seeing snow this week.  To most, this is a innocent comment.  To those who struggle to commute to work in adverse weather, it creates anxiety in the heart.  It is for this very reason that I have never had much time for those who are the prophets of gloom among us.  If it snows, I am fully capable of getting where I need to go.  If the economy is bad (Thank you, Joe Biden, it is!), then I am able to fend for myself.  It is my belief that I do not walk this world alone, which is why I think I'm able to lay waste to much of the gossip which I hear daily.  I believe that speaking gossip goes against what the Lord has planned for us.  For not only are we bringing despair unto others, but we are putting ourselves in Gods place.  Who are we to tell someone else what the future will bring?  This is the domain of God and God alone.  But, you say, weatherman make predictions all the time!  True, but how many initial weather reports turn out to be right?  Just this week I have seen three to four different weather scenarios for Portland's weather this week.  If we could predict the future, many people would make a living out of gambling.  Scripture tells us that we are not to make such plans {James 4:13-17}.  We do not know what tomorrow will bring, but God knows.  Are we truly believing that we know more than He?  I often think that if the Lord has a sense of humor, and I'm sure that He does, that He is quite amused by many of the failed predictions which we often make.  

Come now, you who are saying, "Today or tomorrow we will be going into this or that city and should be spending a year there, and we shall be trafficking and getting gain."  Who are not versed in that which is the morrow's, for what is your life?  For a vapor are you, which is appearing briefly and thereupon disappearing.  Instead of your saying, "If the Lord should ever be willing, and we shall be living, we also shall be doing this or that."  Yet now you are vaunting in your ostentations.  All such boasting is wicked. 

James 4: 13-16, Concordant New Testament 

I profit the Lords brother, James, for providing us the perfect response to anyone who gossips that they know whatever calamity will befall us next.  If the Lord wills it, it will be {James 4:15}.  Usually, this is more than enough to leave any gloom prophet dumbfounded and at a loss for words.  But the truth is in my words.  The entire creation of this world is the Lords.  We are but dust, given the breath of life by God Himself {Genesis 2:7}.  Who are we that we should provide the schedule of time to God?  On the contrary, when He is willing, God provides us with the plans He has made.  Far too many people are hesitant or fearful when it comes to the future.  The future brings uncertainty and the unknown.  When someone speaks to the future, many times these same anxieties and fears come back to haunt us.  Yet, if we know in our hearts who it is that holds tomorrow in His hands, those anxieties might just be eased a bit.  If we know in our hearts that those speaking to our anxieties and fears are speaking against the Lord and His desires for us, it empowers us to shrug off the arrows of the prophets of gloom.  Yes, they might speak of bad events, but it is God who is Lord of all.  Nothing may befall us unless the Lord wills it.  Now, that is a true prophesy.  


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