Saturday, December 2, 2023

Those Christ~ians


Christian ~ A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity. 

Sometimes Google can be my friend, and sometimes it is more of a hinderance.  This morning it is a bit of the latter.  Part of the conversation this week was the discussion on if we indeed can be classified as Christians.  Well, by definition, some believers would not even be known as Christians by definition.  See, a Christian, according to Google, is one who has received Christian baptism OR is a believer in Christianity.  Which one of these do you fall into?  Personally, I have received my baptism more than a few years ago, so can wear that Christian badge.  However, what happens if you simply just believe in Jesus and that's it?  Well, that might not fall into the well known category of being a Christian.  That is, by modern definition.  So, in order to be considered a Christian you need to be associated with the man made religion we know as Christianity.  Simply believing in God or knowing Jesus won't cut it according to the popular definition.  But what were the early followers of Christ Jesus referred to as?  Well, those who were followers of the teachings of Jesus were often given the moniker of Christianoi (Followers of Christ).  Throughout its early years, the followers of Jesus were simply that, following what Jesus had spoken during His lifetime.  Then, of course, mankind decided that these followers of Jesus needed some form of structure.  They needed to be organized into a more controllable group of followers of Jesus.  Thus, what we now know as the church was born.  With it came regulations, traditions and definitions.  It now seems that the definition of what a Christian is has nothing to do with following Jesus, but believing in a system.  If you ask me, THAT is not a Christian.  The focus of being a Christian has shifted from following Jesus to following the church.  This is the label we plaster on those who are in the church.  Well, I've never been much into labels myself.  

Now all those who believe were also in the same place and had all things in common.  And they disposed of the acquisitions and the properties, and divided them to all, inasmuch as some would have had need.  Besides persevering day by day with one accord in the sanctuary, besides breaking bread home by home, they partook of nourishment with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor for the whole people.  Now the Lord added to those being saved day by day in the same place.

Acts Of The Apostles 2: 44-47, Concordant New Testament 

We can see from the early days of the church of the followers of Christ Jesus which are spoken of in Acts that the focus was not on the preservation of a religious system.  On the contrary, the early followers of Jesus were given to assembling wherever they found the need to gather.  They met, broke bread (dined together) and sang praises to the Lord.  The closest thing I have ever seen to these actions of the early followers of Jesus came when the churches in this country began to preach the importance of home groups.  Even then, however, the focus all too often remained on the system and not Jesus.  What can we take away from those in the early church of the followers of Jesus?  Well, they had favor with the people of the area they lived in {Acts Of The Apostles 44:47}.  More importantly, the Lord ADDED to those being saved each day {Acts Of The Apostles 44:47}.  So, it would seem that the Lord was pleased with the efforts of these followers of Jesus.  It would also seem that the local population reacted in a positive way to the early teachings of Jesus.  In a day where almost every "Christian" church has seen an exodus of members in recent years, I'd say that we could learn a lot from the example of the early church.  Dare I say that our focus needs to be more on knowing Jesus than propping up a church system which all too often is at odds with the truth of Christ.  Jesus did not speak of upholding traditions.  What He did speak of is the gathering together in His name {Matthew 18:20}.  The early believers had it right.  

For where two or three are, gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them. 

Matthew 18: 20, Concordant New Testament 


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