Friday, September 20, 2024

The World Arena


"Yet take heed not to be doing your righteousness in front of men, in order to be gazed at by them, otherwise surely you have no wages with your Father who is in the heavens.  Whenever, then, you may be doing alms, you should not be trumpeting in front of you, even as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they should be glorified by men.  Verily, I am saying to you, they are collecting their wages!" 

Matthews Account 6: 1-2, Concordant New Testament 

I was reminded once again this week of the lengths some will go to in order to further their image.  A friend reminded me of a local pastor who it seemed to measure his success by the number of Facebook likes he received.  Of course, my own personal view of a pastors duties certainly clash with this world based thinking.  I see a pastor as a shepherd of the family of the ecclesia, the church body of Christ Jesus {Paul to the Ephesians 1:22}.  The role of the pastor is not one of absolute authority or divinity, but of guidance.  A good pastor leads the body of Christ into a  knowing Him.  Sadly, many of todays church leadership have not learned that lesson.  Yet we cannot and should not place all of the blame for this shortcoming upon the shoulders of our church leaders.  For the lie spoken unto Adam and Eve in the garden by the deceiver was that if they were to eat of the tree forbidden by the Lord that they would, in essence, "Be like God" {Genesis 3:5}.  This has led to the belief that mankind has somehow become separated from God.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  We know from scripture that God has and will never leave us {Deuteronomy 31:6}.  How is it that we could be separated from God Who has created us {Genesis 1:27}?  The lie spoken by Satan in the garden goes down as one of the biggest con jobs in history.  Even the church has gotten on board, teaching that all we could ever hope for is to "Be like" Jesus.  Yet the words of the apostle Paul speak to the presence of Christ in us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  We know from scripture that Jesus has spoken of our union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  There has never been a time when God has not been an intimate part of who we are.  

In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

So, what is it with believers believing that they are what is important?  Isn't our focus supposed to be on Jesus?  The world is indeed an arena, and many of the Lords children put on a performance there.  The belief is that we ourselves are in charge of our own lives.  We're to make the most of it before we "Punch our ticket" to eternity with the Father in heaven.  If this is your thinking, you're missing the point entirely.  How is it that you can proclaim that the earth and heavens were created by God and yet in the same breath declare that you are in charge of your own life?  Believe me, God has not taken a back seat in your life, but your thinking has become deceived by the lie of Satan.  Growing up in the mainstream church theology, I was raised believing that I could never be in union with my heavenly Father.  My own sin prevented that from happening.  Yet it is Jesus who became sin on the cross that we would be united with Him {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  It is Jesus who died ONCE for all that we would be free of the chains which bound us {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Therefore, the only one who is preventing you from realizing your union with you.  You have become blinded by the lie of the deceiver.  But Jesus does not hold that against you by any means.  It is Christ who has come that through Him all would be saved {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  The world arena might lead you to believe that you are the main attraction, but the truth of Christ Jesus reveals that He is the reason for all things {Johns Account 1:1-3}.  


Sunday, September 15, 2024

When God Comes Knocking


Now, when it delights God, Who severs me through my mother's womb and calls me through His grace, to unveil His Son in me that I may evangelizing Him among the nations. 

Paul to the Galatians 2: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I recently saw part of an interview that University of Colorado football coach "Neon" Deon Sanders gave.  The question was raised of when he became a Christian.  Well, Deon answered with a slew of the wrong behaviors in which he used to engage.  Behaviors in which he admittedly placed himself as most important.  The drinking, the adulterous behaviors and the pride, he laid it all out.  I can testify to Deon's account, because I remember the media stories of his exploits both on and off the field.  How his brash arrogance often led him into a slew of bad behaviors.  As a result, he developed a reputation as just another rich, entitled football player.  In many ways he was.  Yet through it all, Deon claimed that all of his money, fame and attention left him feeling unfulfilled and empty.  That it was only through Christ Jesus that he truly saw the true definition of love.  Now, I'm not sure if there was one person who inspired Deon's belief in Jesus, which is entirely possible.  However, it is also through the leading and revelation of the Father that He reveals His Son into our lives.  In Galatians, the apostle Paul speaks to how the Father chose in His timing to "Reveal His Son in me" {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  We know of Paul's Damascus Road experience, where he came face to face with Jesus, the one Whom he was persecuting.  In many ways, this was Paul's "Come to Jesus" moment.  I've experienced one of those moments in my own life as well.  It's that moment when God opens your heart and reveals to us the one true love of His Son {First epistle of John 4:8}.  In fact, I would have asked Deon a different question.  Instead of asking him when he became a Christian, I would have asked him when it was that he became aware that God was real.  Because this is indeed the desire of the Father, that His children come to know Him.  

In the last of these days He speaks to us in a Son, Whom He appoints enjoyer of the allotment of all, through Whom He also makes the eons; Who, being the effulgence of His glory and emblem of His assumption, besides carrying on all by His powerful declaration, making a cleansing of sins, is seated at the right hand of the majesty in the heights.  

To the Hebrews 1: 2-3, Concordant New Testament 

It's definitely a moment that I will always remember.  My own come to Jesus moment.  Of how, after more than a few years of seeing myself as more important.  After many years of chasing after what I desired instead of following where the Lord directed.  My own Damascus Road experience took place one night outside a strip club in Portland.  In that moment, God spoke to my heart that I was not the man who I thought I was.  I was not that man who spent countless days in pursuit of what I desired.  I was not the man who knew about Jesus yet never really knew Him personally.  The man I was, was a child of the living God {First Epistle of John 3:1}.  This is my one true identity.  I have been created in the essence of His image {Genesis 1:27}.  I also share life in union with Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  I cannot speak to this being the same revelation which Deon Sanders speaks of, but this was my own  awakening.  This is also that moment in which God chose to reveal the truth of His Son to me.  I began to see Jesus for who He is, not for who I was taught that He was.  There have been many testimonies of how many believers came to know the Lord, but this one is mine.  His desire has been fulfilled in that I have come to know the Father.  The day will come when He comes knocking, will you answer?  


Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Truth About Fear


Fear is not in love, but perfect love is casting out fear, for fear has chastening.  Now he who is fearing is not perfected in love. 

First Epistle of John 4: 18, Concordant New Testament 

Fear can be a funny thing.  It can be paralyzing, mind-numbing and even life changing.  This week I was once again reminded of the drastic effects of being afraid.  I try my hardest to refrain from discussions of political nature, but every so often I can't avoid it.  This week a good friend and co-worker shared with me his own fear of our upcoming election.  Indeed, there has been a lot of fear surrounding which candidate would come out ahead in this contest.  My personal views aside, I believe that this issue of fear has, at its root, a lack of trust.  It is difficult to speak to non believers concerning our trust in the Lord, but it is this which all too often calms our own fears.  Think about it, do you live in fear of something which you know is going to work out in a good way?  From my own experience, we often live in fear of the unknown.  We live in fear of not having enough money to provide.  We live in fear of not having a place to live.  And, as my friend discovered, we live in fear of an event which has not even taken place.  We do well to adhere to the words of Jesus as He speaks to us about the concept of worry.  In relation to all of our worries, it is Jesus who proclaims that our heavenly Father knows "That you need all of these" {Matthews Account 6:32}.  This is where the trust aspect comes in.  Do we trust in the Father enough to provide for that which we are so worried about?  Do we trust in Him enough that, no matter which way the election swings, that His will be done?  After all, there is nothing which will ever happen in this world that the Father is not intimately involved in.  In reality, our prayer whenever our worries are many, should be "Father, what is it that You are showing me through this?"  

"You, then, should not be worrying, saying, 'what may we be eating?', or 'what may we be drinking?', or 'with what may we be clothed?'  For all these the nations are seeking.  For aware is your heavenly Father that you need all of these.  

Matthews Account 6: 31-32, Concordant New Testament 

During a recent health issue, I took to beginning each day with that simple prayer in mind.  God, what are You trying to show me through this?  Those in the mainstream church might point the finger of punishment when it comes to our own worries.  That the things we are worried over will somehow come to pass as the Lords just punishment.  These WERE NOT the words of Jesus.  For Jesus has proclaimed that we should not worry, but to trust in the Father who provides.  This is not an invitation for a "Name it and claim it" philosophy, but to trust in God no matter what happens that He is thinking of us with everything He does.  Good or bad, it is God who has our best interests at heart.  We might not see it right away, but seeking His assurance as to what He is showing us can be a good way to calm our fears.  What is there to fear when we know in our hearts that we live in union with the Father {Johns Account 20:14}?  Keep in mind that this world is not our ultimate destination.  Our future is not one of this world, but of that place which He has prepared for us {Johns Account 14:3}.  That place is in Him, not confined to this world.  What fear is there within His love? 


Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Jesus Slogan


With Christ have I been crucified, yet I am living; no longer I, but living in me is Christ.  Now that which I am now living in the flesh, I am living in faith that is of the Son of God, Who loves me, and gives Himself up for me.

Paul to the Galatians 2: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I remember a bumper sticker that was pretty popular not that long ago.  It read simply, "My Father is a Jewish carpenter."  Obviously, this is a play on bringing attention to the fact that the owner of the vehicle sporting that sticker is a believer in Jesus.  I'll admit that there are those who make it a point to bring attention to their own beliefs.  I get it.  We want those around us to know where it is we stand.  I have seen faith related bumper stickers, billboards and even t-shirts at the gym.  I once considered branding a few t-shirts to wear at the gym before abandoning the idea.  The way I saw it, what good would it do for someone to know how I believe?  I did not come to a personal relationship with Jesus by knowing how someone else believed.  I came to know Jesus in a personal way from someone sharing with me what they believe.  There's a difference.  We can know in our heart of hearts that we believe in Jesus, but that will not bring us closer to Him.  When I was attending church on a regular basis, I knew that I believed in God.  I was sure of it.  I was proud to proclaim that I was a Christian.  But I was missing one important aspect.  I was missing Jesus in my life.  To know of Him and to have a relationship with Jesus are indeed two different things entirely.  Growing up in a church going family, I have always known that I'm a believer.  But I also know that I have not always known Jesus.  My own realization of Jesus in me didn't come from a Sunday sermon, but from the Fathers own revelation to me.  Through the words of the experiences of a dear friend, I have come to know the reality of who it is that I am.  One with Christ Jesus {Johns Account 14:20}.  I'm not simply a believer in Jesus, I have come to know Him personally and intimately.  

How, then, should they be invoking One in Whom they do not believe?  Yet how should they be believing One of Whom they do not hear?  Yet how should they be hearing apart from one heralding?  Yet how should they be heralding if ever they should not be commissioned?  According as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those bringing an evangel of good! 

Paul to the Romans 10: 14-15, Concordant New Testament 

If you have read the bible, then you might know of the story of Saul and his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.  Raised in the Jewish faith, Saul knew all to well of the beliefs and traditions of his faith.  He was, in fact, a believer.  A believer who was hell bent on destroying all of those whom he considered enemies of the faith he grew up believing in.  As Saul traveled that road to Damascus, he did so with the blessings of the church leaders in order to persecute the early followers of Jesus the blasphemer.  But the Father had other plans for His servant Saul.  It was time for Saul to stop resting on his  beliefs and beginning to experience Jesus for himself.  So begin the conversion of one of history's greatest proclaimers of the gospel of Christ.  The words spoken by Paul have introduced many to the truth of Jesus.  Paul describes his own revelation as "When it delights the Lord, who severs me from my mothers womb and calls me through His grace" {Paul to the Galatians 1:15}.  For, like my own experience, it is by the leading of the Father that Paul came to know Jesus on a personal level.  Despite all which he thought he believed about God, Paul would come to know the truth of his own union with Him.  So, again I pose the question, what good is it to advertise that I'm a believer?  I believe that doing so will spark a conversation with those whom the Father presents to me, but in the end it is by the revelation of God that one will come to know the truth of their own life in Jesus.  


Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Forgotten Friend


In the beginning was the word, and the word was towards God, and God was the word.  This was in the beginning towards God.  All came into being through it, and apart from it not even one thing came into being which has come into being.  In it was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light is appearing in the darkness, and the darkness grasped it not.  

Johns Account 1: 1-5, Concordant New Testament 

I have a friend who is fond of proclaiming whenever someone greets her, "I'm a work in progress."  That is, she is someone who is constantly changing as the world around her changes.  I recently took the opportunity to consider at her statement in the context of my own belief in Christ Jesus.  Better yet, in the context of my union life in Jesus and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  This is the question I pose, does Jesus need to improve on anything about Himself?  Before you think of an answer, consider the truth we find in the gospel of Christ.  That Jesus is more than simply a figurehead sitting at the Fathers side in heaven.  For this speaks to the false idea that He is somehow separated from Gods creation.  This is the lie which was spoken by the serpent to Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:1-6}.  That if she and Adam ate from the fruit which God had commanded them not to, that they would somehow "Be like God."  Could the first couple even be aware that they were already like God?  After all, it is God who created man in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  It is also God who, forming his flesh of the dust of the ground, breathed into man the breath of life creating a living soul {Genesis 2:7}.  So, how is it that man could ever be without the presence of the Father?  The apostle John proclaims that everything came into being through Christ Jesus {Johns Account 1:3}.  Knowing this tells us that Jesus has always been an intimate part of who it is we are.  Yet John also tells us that Jesus appeared in the darkness of the world, and the darkness grasped it not {Johns Account 1:5}.  Indeed, there will be those who do not recognize Him.  

The spirit of truth, which the world can not get, for it is not beholding it.  Yet you know it, for it is remaining with you and will be in you. 

Johns Account 14: 17, Concordant New Testament 

For anyone who has spoken to others concerning the gospel of Christ, we know that there will be those among us who know not Jesus.  Either they have never been introduced to Him on a personal level or they simply refuse to know Him.  I have come across both of these.  Yet, speaking of those who know OF Jesus, I believe that in many cases Jesus has become simply like a forgotten friend.  That is, someone they have known before but have forgotten.  They know of Christ and all of the stories of His life and ministry, but they have never experienced Him in their own lives.  I believe that my friend falls into this category.  Somewhere along the line, she has forgotten the truth of Jesus who has always been a part of her.  She is not a work in progress, but complete in Christ.  THAT is the truth of who she is.  Sadly, the world continues to adhere to the lie of the deceiver who proclaims that we are separated from God by sin.  This is another lie spoken for hundreds of years by those in the mainstream church.  The apostle Paul tells us that sin is no longer an issue {Paul to the Romans 6:6}.  Through the work of Christ Jesus, we are now dead to sin {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  Dead to sin, yet alive to God in Christ Jesus {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  For those who continue to struggle with the sin narrative, I recommend these words spoken by Paul in Romans.  The truth of the gospel of Christ is that He has been with us from the beginning.  Will we remember Him?  


Monday, September 2, 2024

Being Jesus


For you died, and your life is hid together with Christ in God. 

Paul to the Colossians 3: 3, Concordant New Testament 

More than a few people have asked me how it is that I can speak so freely about Jesus.  Well, in all honesty, I can't.  I guess I'm like that modern day Moses, in fear of how I'm going to describe the Savior to someone else.  Yet, like Moses, I have the power of the heavenly Father who will give me the words that those around me need to hear.  This comes not from my own abilities, but from Christ Jesus to Whom I have been joined in union with the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  I was first introduced to this reality by the words of the apostle Paul in Galatians.  It is Paul who speaks to the spirit of Christ Jesus in him {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  A good friend made an interesting comment to me the other day regarding my speaking Jesus to those around me.  There are those in this world who have a candle in their life, which is their capacity for knowing the Father.  These candles remain unlit until the light of men (Jesus) is revealed to them.  It is the desire of those around me that this candle be ignited by knowing the gospel, even if they care not to admit it out loud.  This is where I and others who have known Jesus come in.  Jesus has proclaimed that we are the light of the world {Matthews Account 5:14}.  Having His light within us, we are called upon to "Let shine your light in front of men" {Matthews Account 5:16}.  This is what I do.  When I talk about Jesus to those around me, I reveal to them His light in me.  It is God who provides the words I will speak in that hour.  So, in effect, as I am speaking the words of His gospel, I am simply being myself, I am being Jesus.  

"You are the light of the world.  A city located upon a mountain cannot be hid.  Neither are they burning a lamp and placing it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it is shining to all those in the house.  Thus let your light shine in front of men, so that they may perceive your ideal acts and should glorify your Father who is in the heavens." 

Matthews Account 5: 14-16, Concordant New Testament 

One thing that people will notice when I speak to them about Jesus is that I remove any references of religion from the conversation.  Because Jesus is not bound by religion.  Religion is simply a man created system of beliefs, traditions and practices.  When I talk about Jesus, there aren't any worries of how our performance will affect our salvation.  There are no fears of lingering sin issues to trip me up and fill me with guilt and shame.  For the disciple John has declared that we were not created with a spirit of fear {1 John 4:18}.  For God is love, and there is no fear in Him {1 John 4:8}.  My conversations about Jesus focus on the truth of His gospel.  How He did not come to condemn the world, but that all would be saved through Him {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  My conversations remove the guilt and shame those around me may feel from the mainstream church system.  Instead of knowing "About" Jesus, the Father leads me into introducing others into a personal knowledge of His Son.  A knowing that recognizes that Jesus is not that entity who is separated from us in heaven, but is actually an intimate part of who we are.  This is the Jesus I know and share with others.  Perhaps this is why I can speak so freely of Him, as I have come to know Him so well.  


Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Light Within


In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word.  This was in the beginning toward God.  All came into being through it, and apart from it not even one thing came into being which has come into being.  In it was life, and the light was the life of men.

Johns Account 1: 1-4, Concordant New Testament 

My friend made a comment during our recent podcast conversation that struck a chord with me.  As we discussed the current state of ministry and of how we both have participated in this changing environment, he mentioned the "Light" which those around us are attracted to.  Now, I am familiar with what his intent was, but others might not be.  The disciple John mentions this in the first part of his gospel.  John writes that this light was the "Life of men" {Johns Account 1:4}.  Who is this that gives us life eternal?  None other than Christ Jesus.  In the first part of Johns gospel we find important truths about Jesus.  That He was in the beginning with God {Johns Account 1:2}.  The "Word" which John refers to in this passage is actually Jesus Himself.  For all came into being through Jesus {Johns Account 1:3}.  What makes this truth so important is that we have this light within our flesh bodies.  This is the light to which those around us are drawn to.  The apostle Paul speaks in Galatians of the indwelling spirit of Christ in him {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Yet this is but part of the truth of who we really are in Christ.  For Jesus speaks to our union in He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  The truth of Christ Jesus is that WE abide in HIM, and apart from Him we can do nothing {Johns Account 15:5}.  So what does this have to do with sharing Christ with those around us?  Well, it goes back to the comment which my friend made, that many are attracted to the "Light" which we have in us.  The light of Christ, the life of men.  Jesus proclaims that we are the "Light of the world" {Matthews Account 5:14}.  That we should let the light "Shine in front of men" {Matthews Account 5:15}.  I interpret this to mean that we should allow those around us to see the light of Christ Jesus in us.  In my personal ministry of knowing people at the local gym I frequent I have been witness to more than a few people approaching me and telling me that they noticed something different about me.  This is coming from someone I have not had the pleasure of meeting!  So, I am well aware that the light of Christ burns brightly within me.  I do not cover it, it's there for all the world to see.  

"I am the grapevine.  You are the branches.  He who is remaining in Me, and I in him, this one is bringing forth much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.  

Johns Account 15: 5, Concordant New Testament 

In our recent podcast, my friend recalled his experiences within the mainstream church system while doing ministry under the "Cover" of the church.  How the church would control how and when you should minister to others.  I said it to him and I will proclaim it here, THAT is not authentic ministry.  Authentic ministry is allowing those around us to be witness to the light of Christ within us.  True ministry for Jesus is not forcing the conversation, but allowing those around us to inquire what it is about us that they have noticed.  Jesus has proclaimed, when speaking of false prophets, that "From their fruits you shall be recognizing them" {Matthews Account 7:16}.  I believe that this applies to those around us as well in that they will be knowing us by our fruits as well.  As we allow the light of Jesus to shine before men, they will see our ideal acts and should glorify the Father in heaven {Matthews Account 5:16}.  There is a reason that others have noticed that light which shines from me.  It is not hidden.  I also know that it is the Father Himself who draws those unto me who need to hear of His Son {Johns Account 6:44}.  In a world filled with all sorts of turmoil, the Father continues to draw His children to hear the truth of His Son.  His Son who did not come to judge the world, but that through Him all would be saved {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  
