Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Truth About Fear


Fear is not in love, but perfect love is casting out fear, for fear has chastening.  Now he who is fearing is not perfected in love. 

First Epistle of John 4: 18, Concordant New Testament 

Fear can be a funny thing.  It can be paralyzing, mind-numbing and even life changing.  This week I was once again reminded of the drastic effects of being afraid.  I try my hardest to refrain from discussions of political nature, but every so often I can't avoid it.  This week a good friend and co-worker shared with me his own fear of our upcoming election.  Indeed, there has been a lot of fear surrounding which candidate would come out ahead in this contest.  My personal views aside, I believe that this issue of fear has, at its root, a lack of trust.  It is difficult to speak to non believers concerning our trust in the Lord, but it is this which all too often calms our own fears.  Think about it, do you live in fear of something which you know is going to work out in a good way?  From my own experience, we often live in fear of the unknown.  We live in fear of not having enough money to provide.  We live in fear of not having a place to live.  And, as my friend discovered, we live in fear of an event which has not even taken place.  We do well to adhere to the words of Jesus as He speaks to us about the concept of worry.  In relation to all of our worries, it is Jesus who proclaims that our heavenly Father knows "That you need all of these" {Matthews Account 6:32}.  This is where the trust aspect comes in.  Do we trust in the Father enough to provide for that which we are so worried about?  Do we trust in Him enough that, no matter which way the election swings, that His will be done?  After all, there is nothing which will ever happen in this world that the Father is not intimately involved in.  In reality, our prayer whenever our worries are many, should be "Father, what is it that You are showing me through this?"  

"You, then, should not be worrying, saying, 'what may we be eating?', or 'what may we be drinking?', or 'with what may we be clothed?'  For all these the nations are seeking.  For aware is your heavenly Father that you need all of these.  

Matthews Account 6: 31-32, Concordant New Testament 

During a recent health issue, I took to beginning each day with that simple prayer in mind.  God, what are You trying to show me through this?  Those in the mainstream church might point the finger of punishment when it comes to our own worries.  That the things we are worried over will somehow come to pass as the Lords just punishment.  These WERE NOT the words of Jesus.  For Jesus has proclaimed that we should not worry, but to trust in the Father who provides.  This is not an invitation for a "Name it and claim it" philosophy, but to trust in God no matter what happens that He is thinking of us with everything He does.  Good or bad, it is God who has our best interests at heart.  We might not see it right away, but seeking His assurance as to what He is showing us can be a good way to calm our fears.  What is there to fear when we know in our hearts that we live in union with the Father {Johns Account 20:14}?  Keep in mind that this world is not our ultimate destination.  Our future is not one of this world, but of that place which He has prepared for us {Johns Account 14:3}.  That place is in Him, not confined to this world.  What fear is there within His love? 


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