Perceive what manner of love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God! And we are! Therefore the world does not know us, for it did not know Him.
First Epistle of John 3: 1, Concordant New Testament
Many on the left side of the political isle are fond of declaring that people should be "Woke" to a new way of thinking. Indeed, being woke has come to be associated with some of the most radical liberal ideas of the day. I posed the question the other day to a friend if he felt, knowing what we now know of the Father, that our work in the ministries of the mainstream church had been in vain. He responded by saying that what was needed was for people to "Come awake" to what the Father was doing through them. That same thought is true today. While many consider being woke to be a political punchline, I see it as an opportunity to help people into a new understanding of the Father. A Father who loved us while we were lost in the lies of the deceiver {Paul to the Colossians 2:13}. A Father who ordained His Son to take our sins upon Himself a the cross {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}. The old way of Christian thinking had us believe that sin kept us from a relationship with the Father. In reality, through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we can now consider ourselves as being dead to that sin {Paul to the Romans 6:11}. This is what I think of being awoken to the truth of the Father. That we now live in union with He and Christ {Johns Account 14:20}. Of course, this fly's in the face of the traditional church theology which many know so well. Perhaps that is why so many have a difficult time accepting the truth of the Lord. But I am not proclaiming something which is not spoken of in the scriptures. The apostle Paul spoke of the presence of Christ in us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}. Yet, when I speak this truth to most believers I get the typical deer in the headlights look in return. They are unaware of the union they share with the Father. In other words, they need to be "Woken" to the this truth in their own lives. I remember the struggle which I encountered when this truth was first presented to me by a dear friend of mine. I remember thinking how radical of a change it seemed to be. Jesus in me, a sinner? Yet I thank the Father for His revelation of His Son in me {Paul to the Galatians 1:15-16}.
"If I am not doing My Fathers works, do not believe Me. Yet if I am doing them, and if ever you are not believing Me, be believing the works, that you may be knowing and believing that in Me is the Father, and I am in the Father"
Johns Account 10: 37-38, Concordant New Testament
It is well known in Christian history that Jesus was despised by the religious authorities of His day for His proclamation that He and the Father were one and the same {Johns Account 10:30}. For this the Jewish Pharisees took up stones against Him. To them He was speaking the blasphemy of making Himself one with God. To Jesus, he was simply introducing them to the truth of the union of He and the Father which John spoke of in scripture. Oddly, that same resistance which the spoken words of Jesus encountered back then still hold true today. Many still need to be woken to the truth of the Father. Yet centuries of church theology can be difficult to overcome. It was for me. But it was not a Sunday sermon or mainstream church ministry that spoke the truth of the Father into my heart. Although a good friend planted the seed of that truth, it was the revelation of the Father which opened my eyes to knowing Him. For this I am grateful. My prayer is that others will receive that same revelation and begin to see God as I do.
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