Saturday, October 5, 2024

Leading The Way


For whoever are being led by Gods spirit, these are sons of God. 

Paul to the Romans 8: 14, Concordant New Testament 

We've all heard the phrase more than a few times in our Christian lives.  Being led by the spirit.  I revisited this truth the other day after discussing a recent writing about tithing with a good friend.  His question to me was "Have you ever been urged by God to give?"  Of course, I answered that indeed I had.  That I had felt the inner leading to give to someone in need.  But what does it mean to be "Led by the spirit?"  We hear a lot about it, yet we rarely delve deeper into what it really means to us and our lives.  I've never heard of a church program designed to teach people how to follow the spirits leading.  Granted, I've heard quite a few Sunday sermons on this very topic.  I believe to truly understand what it means to be led by the spirit that we need to understand our relationship with the Father first and foremost.  We understand that we are created in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  As the prophet Isaiah has proclaimed, shall what has been formed declare to He who formed it, He did not make me?" {Isaiah 29:16}.  Therefore, to understand our life is to understand that we have an intimate connection with our Father who created us.  Jesus Himself has also declared our union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Therefore, we live in union with Jesus and the Father.  How much more of an intimate connection do we need?  This is the personal connection we share with God.  He created us, we live in His creation.  But personal connection does not necessarily mean we share a relationship with Him.  For that is a personal choice each of us makes at some point.  I realized that I shared in Gods creation from an early age, yet only in recent years have I realized the relationship I also have with Him.  Yes, there is a difference.  We each might recognize a friendship, but we may choose at some point to develop this friendship into a deeper relationship.  The same can be said for our relationship with the Father.  

Now, similarly, the spirit is also aiding our infirmity, for what we should be praying for, to accord with what must be, we are not aware, but the spirit itself is pleading for us with inarticulate groanings.  Now He who is searching the hearts is aware what is the disposition of the spirit, for in accord with God it is pleading for the saints. 

Paul to the Romans 8: 26-27, Concordant New Testament 

Anyone who has been married can attest that the marriage relationship can develop to be strong enough that both parties will be keenly aware of the thoughts of the other.  Believe it or not, this marriage relationship example ties in quite well with the idea of being led by the spirit.  For just as two people who are connected can tell what the other is thinking, so it is with our relationship with the Father.  We are a part of each other, and there is no doubt that God can whisper His intentions into our hearts.  His leading may be for us to give to someone who has been praying to Him for relief.  In many ways, we are the instruments of the Father here on earth.  The Father will only be known through the words and actions of those who know Him well.  Yes, God can and has reached out with His hands to help those in need, but He also leads His people into the same situations.  This is what it is like to be led by the spirit.  To have the Father speaking into our hearts what it is He desires for us.  He is the One who knows us best.  We might think that we're not capable of doing what He asks, but He knows us better than that.  It is through the leading of the Father that we reach out into areas we never thought that we would.  


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