Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Imperfect Surroundings

Like most people, I often find that the environment around me dictates my thoughts and/or behaviour.  Not only do we live in a fallen world, but we are surrounded by sinful people each day.  In fact, there is no guaranteee that the friends you have, be they christian or not, will be there standing beside you tomorow.  The only guarantee we have is through God, who will never leave us nor forsake us.  Men may fail us, but God never will.  Likewise, we cannot expect the world around us to be any better.  However, one thing we can do is make our corner of the world better.  Scripture tells us that a lamp is not hidden under a basket, but placed on a lampstand to illuminate the entire room.  Likewise, as Christians, we have daily opportunities to let the light of God show through us.  Whether it is a harsh word turned away or a word of comfort to someone who is troubled, we are Gods representatives to the world.  My dear friend David recently told me when I expressed my worries about inviting a non christian to a movie screeing fearing the "preachy" intro would scare them away.  "Why are you worried?  He said, get out of the way and let God work"  This is sound advice for anyone these days.  We should not worry about whether we sound too "preachy" to someone who is hurting or in need, not only will God give us the words to say in times like this, but if we are in prayer, he will bring people into our lives who simply need to hear about Jesus.  My friend David has made many contacts and friends from simply sitting in Starbucks and starting conversations with people.  He is not hitting them over the head with the gospel, but HE WILL tell them about Jesus.  Another good friend, Chuck, has used his platform as a family physician over the years to tell his patients about Jesus.  See, we never know the impact that our conversations will eventually have on someone, perhaps they were meant to hear what we had to say.  "Be ready in season and out of season" the scripture warns.  We should always be prepared to share the man Christ Jesus to anyone who will listen.  After all, we are Gods messangers to a fallen world.

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