Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Book Of Life

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.  In Him was life, and the light was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1: 1 - 5 NKJV

One thing in particular bothers me about Christians.  Many times, when I'm faced with a issue in my life, all too many Christians will reach into their bibles and toss a few scriptures my way in the hopes that this will somehow make my life suddenly better.  Well, most of the time all that it accomplishes is my own understanding of scripture.  I feel that many Christians somehow lack the interpersonal skills to deal with those around them who are hurting or facing situations in their lives.  Is someone sick?  Suggest a scripture for them.  Is someone worried?  Throw a scripture out there to make them see the light.  Now, I have no doubt that the word has many verses for us to partake in, but I also believe that we've turned the bible on its face to be used for things it was never given to us for.  Indeed, I've seen the bible used to condemn, instigate and belittle.  The list goes on and on.  Is this the way God truly meant for scripture to be used?  I think not.  Why would a loving God intend for His words to be used to hurt others?  Well, far too many Christians see the bible as the be all end all for the Christian life.  It's there to guide us through life {Psalm 119:105}.  It's useful for teaching {2 Timothy 3:16}.  It is certainly good for encouragement {Proverbs 30:5}.  However, was the bible really created to be used like a rule book for our lives?  Well, first off, let me clear up a misunderstanding some may have of the bible as we know it today.  While indeed the scriptures we read are historic and speak to our hearts, it is not God who penned the verses we all too often use.  That task was completed by a group of men, so called experts in religion.  Indeed, long after the death and resurrection of Christ, groups of men gathered to discuss which manuscripts (scriptures) were God inspired and which were simply heresy.  So, that scripture we read today was recognized by men long ago as being inspired by God.  Now, I get that many will see no issue with this, but for myself it caused me to raise a few questions.  What was the measure of what was used to determine "scripture?"  Which writings were deemed not worthy, or heresy?  This makes for a interesting discussion.

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15: 4 NKJV

So, how is it that we see the scriptures?  Do we see them as useful for the Christian life?  Or, do we see them as the rule book for all that we do?  Well, it is my belief that God never intended the scriptures to be used in a negative way.  That being said, I believe that there is indeed much we can learn from scripture.  Were it not for the bible, we would have no idea of the thoughts and life of Christ.  Were it not for scripture, we would never know of Gods plan for our lives.  However, I do find it curious that throughout scripture the bible is not referred to as "Gods word."  Perhaps that is a moniker we have given it.  A good friend of mine who I trust in the knowledge of the scripture once told me that the bible can be seen as Gods love letter to His children.  I couldn't agree more.  Far from being a set of rules to follow, we can see the scripture for what it is, the intimate thoughts of the Father.  It cannot be disputed that Christ Jesus is a key centerpiece of the scriptures from beginning to end.  John tells us that it is Christ who was with God from the beginning {John 1:1}.  I believe that each and every scripture we might read is tied to Jesus in some way.  So, is the bible really the book of life?  Is it intended as a guide for us to walk in the Christian life?  Some might think so.  However, I have never considered myself to be a bible zealot.  I see it for what it is.  That is, the very thoughts and encouragement of a loving Father to His children.  Trust me. I've been around enough die hard Christians who have used the bible not only as a guide for their own lives but for viscous attacks on others as well.  I don't believe that God never intended for His words to be used in this way.   Instead of a book of life, I believe that we can see the scriptures as a book of THE life of Christ in us {Galatians 2:20}.


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