Saturday, August 8, 2015

Gods Creation

In the begining God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1

From the begining, we see our God speaking words to create something from nothing.  How many of us can make that claim?  On a rcent walk across Gods creation the topic came up between Dennis and I of creation and Gods presence within it.  Of course, I'm of the belief that, if God indeed created all that we see, and we're assured that he did, that his imprints on his creation go far beyond what we can see.  Are we to believe that, if God created all that we see, that he stopped short of having his fingerprints, his very DNA, upon all that he created?  I feel we would be foolish to dispute this.  So, in ALL that holy God created, his presence remains just as he remains in us.

"All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name."
 Selah (Consider this!)
Psalm 66:4 ESV

So, if "all the earth" worships our holy God creator, we should assume a powerful, intimate connection between God and all that he created?  I'm of the belief this is the very case.

"Then God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good.  So the evening and the morning were the sixth day"
Genesis 1:31 NKJV

We've all heard that inspirational phrase, God doesn't make junk?  Well, for those of you who don't believe that, here's proof!  God created the earth and everything in and around it, and it was VERY GOOD.  Not only does that include the heavens, stars, universe and all that we see, but you and me as well!  Yes, think about that the next time satan begins to make you feel like you're worthless, God created you VERY GOOD.  Oh, also remember that God created your enemy satan as well, so he has dominion over him!  My friend Chuck has a saying, "When satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!"  From scripture, we all know satans final destiny...utter defeat!  So, despite what satan tells us, his fate is sealed.  You could say he's attempting to take as many of Gods people out before his demise.  Take heart, God does not want anyone to perish, but to come to salvation through Christ.

1 comment:

Dennis Deardorff said...

So YOU are "very good". Where is the fear coming from?