Friday, March 10, 2017

How Jesus Loves

15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
Colossions 1: 15 - 17 NKJV 

There has been much talk in christian circles of exhibiting the love of Christ Jesus.  After all, it is through the selfless love of Christ that we have been saved.  Knowing His destiny, He chose to accept the anger of those around Him, all for us.  Who among us would choose to do as Jesus did in a moment of anger?  Not me, for there has been many a time where I have allowed my anger to get the best of me.  Anyone else want to try?  Think about it, as you've faced the bitter words and punishment of others around you, was your very first thought to allow their mistreatment of you and to pray for them?  Well, for most of us I'd venture to say that we would have failed that test with flying colors.  So, how is it that we exhibit the love of Jesus when we are so quick indeed to follow our flesh?  How do we show the love of Jesus?  Rather than see this as a daunting task, I would suggest that we allow ourselves to show who we really are inside.  For if Jesus indeed lives in and through us (Galations 2:20), Then we already have it within us to be Jesus.  Yes, we can BE Jesus.  I know of no other way to describe the apostle Pauls passage in Galations 2:20 than to make the claim that Christ lives through us each and every day.  That sin nature which we were born into no longer exists.  We are not sinners saved by grace, but the very image of Christ who is in us.  

Mack: "I can't...I can't...could I go instead?...I'll go in their place...could I do that?"  He fell at her feet crying and begging now.  "Please let me go for my children...I am begging you.  Please...please..."

"Now you sound like Jesus...THAT is how Jesus loves."
~William Paul Young - The Shack~ 

That is how Jesus loves?  Imagine that for just a moment.  Imagine the most vile person you've ever met punishing you with his words, what would you do?  Imagine someone you love dearly on their death bed knowing that their time here on earth was short, how far would you go to help them?  I ask that very question because I've been in that very situation.  As my mother lay sick with pnemonia in the hospital, at her bedside I asked God a few times if I could go in her place.  See, in my heart I was thinking that my mother had been sick for quite some time and deserved to be healed and have a normal life.  It is funny how grief affects our feelings and reasoning at times.  Well, God did not heal my mother from her sickness, but He had given her the gift she truly be free of the pain and sickness she had endured for so long.  This is how Jesus loves.  As Jesus walked to that cross, He was tormented by those around Him, yet He asked His Father to forgive His accusers.  That is how Jesus loves.  So how is it that we can love as Jesus does?  Dare I say that we ourselves endure the wickedness of those around us without reprisal on our part?  How often are we to turn the other cheek?  Well, as Jesus poited out, seventy times seven.  In other words, we should be more inclined to forgive our accusers than take matters into our own hands.  This is how Jesus loves.  


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