Sunday, July 28, 2019

Prone To Wander

16Then it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled.
Exodus 20: 16 NKJV

A lot of christians I talk to lament the decline of our society in recent decades.  They reflect and shake their heads and tell me, "If only we could return to the days of the ten commandments all of this would be gone."  Really?  News flash, christian, we HAD those ten commandments and we couldn't follow them!  What makes us even think that were we to return to that system that things would be different?  This isn't exactly what we as humans do.  Instinctively, when we're told that we cannot do something, the first thing we want to do is to go out and try it for ourselves.  I've been there, I get it.  I'm also of the mind that a system of strict laws will never reflect a moral society.  Look at how many laws we live under in America.  Has that system of laws done much to eliminate crime and wrongdoing?  No, because it cannot accomplish that, at all.  So, we are left with a society where people pretty much do whatever they choose.  The people of Isreal were the same way.  The Isrealites had numerous rules and traditions they were expected to live by even before the ten commandments came along.  One of those commandments was that they were not to worship false gods or idols.  Tell me how that law worked out for them. Even before Moses returned from that mountaintop with the laws given to them by God, the Isrealite camp had broken out into a orgy of idol worship and celebrations.  Still want to return to the days of the ten commandments?  If you ask me, there's zero difference in Gods people between then and now.  The passage of time has only increased our appetite for misbehavior.  There is a reason by which christians claim that we live in a fallen world.  Although it is our Lords desire that all of His children would be saved and return to Him, that is not the case.  There are those whom God will "Give over" to their own bad behaviors {Romans 1:24}.  Beleive me, it isn't the law which is the issue here.  No, the issue is with those who supposedly FOLLOW the law.  Show me a man who claims to be morally upright and I'll show you a man who is not honest with himself. 

"For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men - the washing of pitchers and cups, and many such other things you do."
Mark 7: 8 NKJV

It's no secret that we, as Gods children, all too often wander from the best He has for us.  It's what we do.  There is no system of laws that will ever eliminate that.  Why would you want to?  Are you not happy with being able to choose on your own?  Well, this was Gods desire when He created us as well.  I believe that God did not desire children who could not think and choose for themselves.  This would make His relationship with us a forced endeavor, and there is no freedom in such a relationship.  Though we are prone to wander, God recognizes this and waits for His children to return to Him.  If this were not the case, there would be many a sad christian in this world without ever a chance of being in His presence.  Our Lords desire has never been to rejoice in the banishment of offenders, but in the return of His children to Him.  One of my favorite parables of Jesus illustrates this point very well.  In the story of the prodigal son, the father of the wayward boy eagerly awaits his sons return home.  Despite all which his wandering son did to squander his monies, his father welcomed him home with open arms!  He did not ground him and place him under a system of rules designed to make sure he never left again, much to the chagrin of the older brother.  I believe this parable of Christ is a perfect example of Gods desire to have all of His children return to Him.  He is not waiting with whip in hand ready to punish the wandering child.  No, for God shows His love for us by welcoming us unto Himself.


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