Monday, August 3, 2020

As The Wind

Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.
Acts 8: 4 NKJV 

Part of our discussion this week centered around a similarity between the scattering of the church we see in Acts and the that of churches today.  Although I do see it, I believe that there were far different reasons for these two events.  First off, the church of the early followers of Jesus was being persecuted, most notably by the man Saul {Acts 8:3}.  Therefore, in the midst of this persecution, the early church scattered to different regions of the area, namely Judea and Samaria.  However, we are told that even in the middle of their persecution, that the early church continued to preach the gospel of Jesus {Acts 8:4}.  Fast forward to the events of today and we see one church after another breaking up with some of the congregation going one way while others go another.  The difference we see with todays churches is that there does not seem, as far as I can tell, the amount of persecution which the early church endured.  Yet we continue to see the Lord scatter his believers as the wind.  Do I believe that there is a reason for this, absolutely.  That reason, I believe, is what has become our own dependence upon the mainstream church.  For years we have continued to refer to the church as "Gods house," as if God Himself dwelled in it.  Now, I have no doubt that the Lord can and does dwell in our houses of worship, but does He favor one congregation over that of another?  I think not.  For we know that with the Lord there is no favoritism {James 2:1}.  Yet we continue in our beliefs that the Lord one over another.  We continue in our belief that the building is more important than the person.  Let me tell you, if I were God I'd scatter the church too.  One of the big reasons I left the church was that it had become too big and impersonal.  Each week we see large congregations submitting to the ages old traditions which have been passed down for hundreds of years.  Did God intend for His church, of which Christ Jesus is the head, to be a church of man made traditions and institutions?  Again, I think not.  It is for this very reason that I believe we are seeing the disbanding of so many congregations across the country.  Dare I say that people are desiring  more than the same old institutional church song and dance. 

For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
Romans 12: 4 - 5 NKJV

I recently read of a large church that was ceasing Sunday services and instead focusing on in home smaller groups.  Not only is this a smart move, but I believe that it brings us back to our roots as far as believers go.  As I mentioned, for too long we have come to associate church as being a building or a location.  That was never the case.  The church, as scripture tells us, is in the believers and not the bricks and mortar.  The apostle Paul tells us that WE are the body of the church, and Jesus is the head of that body {Romans 12:4-5, Colossians 1:18}.  As such, we are all a part of the church of Jesus.  Therefore, it does not matter which church or what pew you are in on any particular Sunday, what matters is that you gather with the body of the Lord Jesus.  I have long been a believer in home groups over the big congregations for obvious reasons.  The main issue is that it is very easy for a new believer to become lost in a larger church.  I've also been fortunate to learn from a dear friend of the inner politics of larger congregations, which is what I try to avoid.  It has been almost five years now since a small group of men decided to start meeting at a local fast food joint on Sunday mornings to talk about Jesus.  One of the most authentic churches I've ever been involved in.


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