Sunday, July 25, 2021

Garden Party


Yahweh Elohim formed the human formed the human out of soil from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and the human became a living soul.  Yahweh Elohim planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He put the human whom He had formed. 

Genesis 2: 7 - 8 Concordant Version

Most everyone, believers and those not so much all know the story of the birth of mankind.  How God created man and woman and placed them in the garden paradise He had created.  That the Lord achieved these things in the creation of the heavens and the earth is not in dispute.  God spoke everything into being.  However, one part of the creation story has always puzzled me, probably because there is precious little scripture to be found on the subject.  What was life like for Adam and Eve?  What was their relationship to God?  Well, being a created in the Fathers own image, I would assume that Adam shared the same physical attributes as I do, more or less.  I'm sure that Adam had the ability to think and to reason as well as the emotions to feel all which surrounded him.  So, what was life like for Adam in the garden?  We're told that the purpose for his presence in Eden was to "work and keep it" {Genesis 2:15}.  Yet, I find that Adam and Eves presence in Eden was far more involved than simply being caretakers.  It would seem that Adam had responsibilities in the garden apart from the day to day landscaping and upkeep.  We're also told that the Lord brought unto Adam each and every variety of living creature which the Lord God had created for the purpose of naming the creature.  And whatever Adam chose to call the creature, that was it's name {Genesis 2:19}.  One has to wonder at this point in the story of Adam, did he give the serpent it's name as well?  One must assume that he did.  Upon his creation, the Lord instructs Adam to "be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth" {Genesis 1:28}.  So, here's Adam with God given authority to watch over the Lords creation on earth.  Talk about a heavy burden.  However, one must assume that at this point having authority over the creatures of the earth was really not such a difficult job.  The garden party was just beginning.  

Then they heard the sound of Yahweh Elohim walking about in the garden in the windy part of the day, and the human hid himself with his wife from the face of Yahweh Elohim among the trees of the garden.  Yahweh Elohim called to the human and said to him, 'Adam, where are you?'  He replied to Him, 'I heard the sound of you walking in the garden and I was fearful because I was naked, so I hid.'

Genesis 3: 8 - 10 Concordant version

As a up and coming Christian, my view of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden was one resembling a David and Goliath scenario.  We have Adam and Eve tending to the Lords creation while God moved freely among them.  Yet, in the interpretations, we're never told intimate details that might help us get a better view of what was happening.  What did God resemble?  How tall was the Lord?  So, looking a the creation story from my own human perspective, I presumed the Lord to be this gigantic being thundering through the garden.  I mean, we're talking about God, right?  God must be seen as being larger than life.  Or should He?  As I read the various versions of the old testament I am left with one conclusion.  Adam and Eve had a personal relationship with God the Father.  I believe that this relationship carried over to their everyday life as well.  I can see Adam tending the garden while talking with his creator about the different plants and animals he came across.  Who knows, perhaps Adam also came to his friend for advice on how to work the garden?  Perhaps Eve came to the Father with questions about Adam?  We're not given any indication until after the forbidden fruit is eaten that Adam and Eve feared the Lord in any way.  Why did they ultimately fear the presence of God?  Because of their disobedience they became aware of what they had done.  Yes, up until that point the garden party was going along just fine.  Then the serpent, which Adam most assuredly had a hand in naming, came along to crash the party.  Yet even though they were expelled from the garden, I believe that the personal relationship Adam and Eve shared with the Father continued in their new surroundings.  That bond has never been broken.  


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