Sunday, February 6, 2022

In The Weeds


In order to become conscious operating selves, and not merely continue like spontaneous infants, God used lucifer, the wrathful expresser {Rev 12:12} of that opposite fire nature, to entice and deceive Eve.  She responded to Satan's {The serpent's} lies about God and began to express his self-for-self nature in herself by taking the fruit which God had forbidden.  Adam consciously chose to identify with Eve's self-for-self disobedience {1 Timothy 2:14}. 

Norman P Grubb, No Independent Self 

A conversation with a good friend this week centered on how we would introduce the belief of Christ Jesus in us to someone who desired to know more about the truth of Jesus.  First off, I would see anyone seeking this Jesus today as someone being lost in the weeds.  For my friend and I both agreed that there are precious few resources out there which one can turn to in order to learn more about the Jesus we know.  The Jesus who, as the apostle Paul proclaimed, "Christ lives in me" {Galatians 2:20}.  Far from simply being in a relationship with Christ, having the assurance that He lives in you takes our life in Jesus to another level completely.  As another friend recently remembered about his own struggle, "How do I have a relationship with a dead guy?"  It's true, how does one have a relationship with someone who is no longer alive in a physical sense?  Mom mother passed in 2016, can I still have a relationship with her?  Not likely.  However, what I do have is my mother's DNA and the knowledge of the love she had for me.  For lack of a better explanation, this is exactly what we have today with Jesus.  His DNA is within us {Genesis 1:27}, and we have the knowing of His love for us {1 John 4:8}.  So, while we no longer have a relationship with Jesus, we have the knowing of a deeper connection with Him.  That is, if we know where to turn to learn more about the truth of Christ Jesus in us.  As I said, there are precious few resources available to learn more about Christ in you.  Until we can navigate through to learn more, we will still be lost in the weeds of religion.  

Thus they became conscious of the opposites through the attraction of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The good is a self which expresses God and other-love; the evil is a self which expresses Satan and self-loving love.  They became expressers of their Satan-father's self-for-self nature, Satan's "seed" {Gen 3:15, 1 John 3:8, John 8:44}.  In their expression of him {Ephesians 2:1-3}, they became tricked into the false concept of seeing themselves as independent selves, even as their false father Satan was deceived into thinking he was an independent self.

Norman P Grubb, No Independent Self 

How would you talk to someone who wanted to know more about Jesus?  Would you tell them about a favorite church?  A favorite book?  Well, either of these choices MIGHT introduce someone to the mainstream religious version of Christ, but not the Jesus I know.  For the Jesus I know lives in me and is an intimate part of my life.  I no longer need to worry about being good enough to simply 'Be like' Jesus.  This is performance-based theology, and it is dead wrong when it comes to who Jesus truly is.  Like the Father, Jesus is love {1 John 4:8}.  Scripture tells us that our own salvation is the gift of God and not of our own efforts {Ephesians 2:8-9}.  So tell me, how's all that working to simply be 'like Jesus' working out for you?  If someone were to ask me where to find out more about the Jesus I have come to know one of the first places I would direct them would be the scriptures which proclaim to us the truth of Christ in us {Galatians 2:20, Colossians 1:27, Galatians 1:15-16, Romans 8:10, Ephesians 3:17}.  Indeed, there are numerous scriptures which speak to the truth of Christ Jesus in you.  To back this up I would also refer one to the author Norman Grubb, who has written a few books on the truth of Jesus.  Although Grubb's work might be relatively unknown, it is still readily available should one choose to find it.  I have included a few excerpts from Grubb's book 'No Independent Self' in this writing.  Finally, there is a small group of us who routinely gather via Zoom for a weekly conversation on the truth of Christ in you.  Despite being out of the norms of mainstream Christian church, it is a good resource in learning more about Jesus.  I would also caution anyone who desires to know more about the truth of Christ in you that their entire perspective of mainstream Christian teaching might just change after they are blessed with Fathers revelation of His Son in them.  That's not a bad thing.  

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 

Colossians 1: 27 NKJV 


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