Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Name Jesus


You are believing that God is one.  Ideally are you doing.  The demons also are believing and are shuddering. 

James 2: 19, Concordant New Testament 

Has anyone ever trusted in how smart Satan is?  Ever thought that he is smarter than us?  Well, I look around the world and I see that there are way too many people who seem to be blinded to this fact.  There are far too many people who treat Jesus as a ancient story and not the living, risen Lord He is.  They point to the scriptures as simply fables written by ancient scribes for the enjoyment of the masses.  I get it.  Satan simply laughs at this notion.  He knows better.  For those who doubt the name Jesus would be far fetched to believe that Satan knows Him all too well.  Satan indeed knows Christ Jesus, and fears Him {James 2: 19}.  Satan went so far as to bribe Jesus out of His mission to redeem us {Matthew 4:1-11}.  Jesus, of course, withstood Satan's advances and sent him away.  It was Satan who desired the throne of the Lord for himself {Isa. 14:12-14}.  Indeed, it was Lucifer who plotted to have the kingdom of heaven for himself.  For those who see Satan as some dimwitted, clueless rube, you have another thing coming.  Our adversary is quite cunning {Genesis 3:1, 1 Peter 5:8}.  In many cases, Satan knows what many humans do not know, that Jesus is real.  How many times have you questioned whether or not God was listening to you?  I know I have.  When we do this we are falling right into the trap of the accuser.  Make no mistake, the number one goal of the accuser is to drive a wedge between God and His creation.  The more people that question the validity of Jesus the better.  Yet if I could ask one question of him I would simply ask him, "Satan, do you ever feel as if you're being used?"  How could he not?  If his minions know and understand the name Jesus can we assume that Satan himself is aware of the implications?  Absolutely!  If Satan knew not the importance of Jesus, he would never have tried to entice Him in the wilderness.  Satan knows Jesus.  

And at His coming to the other side, to the country of the Gergesenes, two demoniacs meet Him, who were coming out of the tombs, very ferocious, so that no one is strong enough to be passing by through that road.  And lo! they cry, saying, "What is it to us and to Thee, Son of God! Didst Thou come here to torment us before the season?" 

Matthew 8: 28-29, Concordant New Testament

I have never been naive enough to believe that everyone would come to know the Lord Jesus in this age.  However, I know that it WILL happen {Phil. 2:10-11}.  I know that it is Gods desire that all of His creation would come to know His Son {John 3:16-17, John 17:21}.  It is the desire of the Lord that all will come to Jesus.  It is the arrogance of Satan which seeks to prevent that from happening.  Indeed, even after failing to advance to the throne of the Lord, Satan continues to try {Isa. 14:15}.  I am reminded of a conversation I had with a good friend the other day as he referred to our accuser as a "useful agent" in the Lords plan.  I believe that Satan is well aware of his ultimate fate, yet chooses to continue in his attempt to drive a wedge between the Father and His children.  How does he know his future?  Unlike the Father, Satan cannot know the future.  He is well aware, however, of the same scriptures which you and I know.  Satan knows of the writings which tell of his ultimate fate.  He knows what we already know.  Still, there are those who continue to deny the name Jesus.  Does this mean that Satan is smarter than they are?  Not really, all it really shows is that those who deny Christ make the conscious decision to choose to do so.  Perhaps they have never heard of His love for them.  Maybe they have simply followed the lies of the accuser.  Whatever the case, all will eventually know the name Jesus {Phil. 2:10-11}.  

That in the name of Jesus every knee should be bowing, celestial and terrestrial and subterranean, and every tongue should be acclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God, the Father. 

Philippians 2: 10-11, Concordant New Testament 


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