Saturday, June 24, 2023

What About Me?

 Well, there's a little boy waiting

At the counter of the corner shop

He's been waiting down there, waiting half the day

They never see him from the top

He gets pushed around, knocked to the ground

He gets to his feet and he says...what about me? 

What about me, Moving Pictures 

I've been seeing a lot of me lately.  Not me personally, but so many others wondering, what about me?  You can see it in almost every corner of society, people looking for the best deal, program or situation...for me.  Live your best life.  Live for the day.  Pay yourself first.  The "me" theme is all too common in the world we live in.  Even in Christian circles, we're taught to believe that the me trend continues in our life with the Lord.  I've heard way too many preachers speak to our lives "with" the Lord.  Like we are somehow separated in some way from the God who created us {Genesis 1:27}.  So, what about me?  Am I indeed separate from God?  Is it the Lords desire that I remain as myself forever?  In His prayer in the garden, Jesus spoke to something different.  In the book of John, we see that the desire of the Lord is not that we would remain individuals, but one in Jesus and the Father {John 17:21}.  We see that it was never the Lords intent to leave us without Him in our lives.  More than that, many are surprised to learn that God has NEVER not been a part of our lives.  What does the phrase "come to Jesus" mean to you?  Ask any Christian of how they came to Jesus and you will get many different answers and stories of lives transformed.  This is all well and good, but is it truly what happens?  Do we come to Jesus, or do we eventually recognize Him in our lives?  If we read the words of the apostle Paul we might get a different perspective than the one we've been taught all of these years.  It is Paul who recognized that it was Christ who resided in him {Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:8}.  Paul speaks not of himself, but of Jesus.  You might consider Paul's experience on the road to Damascus to be his come to Jesus moment, but was it?  I suggest that Paul had a connection to Jesus long before his so called conversion.  For the Lord has also breathed into Paul the breath of life which we all have {Genesis 2:7}.  The DNA of the Father has been in us from our very first breath.  So what do you say of your come to Jesus moment now?  What about me?  

There is no independent, self - operating self in the universe, except the One who calls Himself the I AM {Ex. 3:14} and says, "I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside me" {Isa. 45:5}  

Norman Grubb, No Independent Self 

Tell someone that they do not exist and you're likely to get more than a few blank stares in return.  But I suggest that we do not exist, at least in the way we've been taught for so long.  We know from scripture that Adam and Eve communed and communicated with God in the garden {Genesis 2:17-18}.  They were not separate from God, but an extension of Him.  The same can be said of our lives today.  We do not wander this world as lost souls searching for our own come to Jesus moment, but we walk IN HIM.  The trouble is that we have been misled for far too many years.  Mainstream church theology perpetuates this lone wolf narrative in their teachings.  We "come to Jesus."  We are to "be like" Jesus.  I suggest that have never been meant to resemble Christ, but to BE HIM {Galatians 2:20}.  This truth was not simply destined for Paul, but for all of the Lords children.  God has always been a part of our makeup.  We do ourselves a disservice when we allow ourselves to follow the broken theology which preaches that we need to justify ourselves before God before He will accept us.  He is our loving Father and creator and we have never been apart from Him in any way.  What we HAVE done is fall for the lie that we are somehow separated from Him.  This is the lie which the accuser spoke to Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:5-6}.  It is the lie which many continue to live out today.  It is the lie we perpetuate each time we ask...what about me?  

Are you not aware that you are a temple of God and the spirit of God is making its home in you? 

1 Corinthians 3: 16, Concordant New Testament 


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