Sunday, June 2, 2024

Jesus Unfiltered


And the Word became flesh and tabernacles among us, and we gaze at His glory, a glory as an only - begotten Son from the Father, full of grace and truth 

Johns Account 1: 14, Concordant New Testament 

I read an article shared by a friend recently which was a bit critical of the streaming series The Chosen.  Now, I happen to enjoy this series which is a depiction of the lives of Christ Jesus and His disciples directed by Dallas Jenkins.  I like to think of this series as being somewhat of a "Jesus unfiltered" view of His life among His followers.  I say this because we see the back and forth among the men who spend day after day together.  We see the patience of Jesus as He guides His followers through His new gospel.  We see the emotions of Jesus not only when He heals, but when He faces those who criticize Him.  This isn't a cookie cutter, mainstream church sanctioned narrative of the life of Jesus.  This is more of a representation of How Jesus lived back then.  One of the silly criticisms which I read about was someone criticizing the production due to a scene where Jesus wore what looked like a backpack.  Well, mankind has been doing this for thousands of years.  There are certain cultures which transport packages upon their heads for crying out loud!  I don't want to see a sterilized version of the life of Jesus.  I want to see Him as He truly lived.  The laughter with His followers.  The arguments which they got in from time to time.  I want to see the day to day life of Jesus.  If this tweaks a few mainstream church traditionalists in the process then so be it.  The life of Jesus isn't all black and white.  I would argue that seeing Jesus in this way allows us to understand Him more than we do.  I would also argue that the traditional church version of the life of Jesus presents Him as being far away from the Lords children.  Jesus is holy and not much into the banter and rough talk of His disciples.  Yet what we often fail to recognize is that Jesus was indeed human {Johns Account 1:14, To the Hebrews 1:3}.  Why would we not expect a human Jesus to act...human?  If human, Jesus would also share the very same thoughts, fears and emotions which we have as well.  This is the unfiltered Jesus.

Now when the full time came, God delegates His Son, come of a woman, come under law. 

Paul to the Galatians 4: 4, Concordant New Testament 

I have long said that the writers of scripture did us a disservice by not including many details concerning the early life of Jesus as a child.  Knowing the Hebrew culture of the day, we can picture for ourselves what His early years must have been like.  Travels with His family, working with His father Joseph in his workshop.  But Jesus also surely had friends that He played with.  One of the best films to date which I have seen that encompasses these early years of Jesus is the 2016 film Young Messiah.  The film follows a young Jesus as He grows into a young man.  Does this film take a few liberties?  Absolutely, but it also does an excellent job of depicting the life of the young messiah.  As I have grown in my understanding of the truth of Christ Jesus, I find Him easier and easier to relate to in my own life.  I live in union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  I need not worry that Jesus will not understand the trials in my life {To the Hebrews 4:14}.  Jesus has been there Himself and is always there as we go into those situations together.  There is nothing that I will ever face that Christ has not already been through.  I will never walk though this life alone.  In the good times and the bad, it is Jesus who I stand with.  This is the real Christ.

Who is the image of the invisible God, Firstborn of every creature. 

Paul to the Colossians 1: 15, Concordant New Testament 


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