Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Sword Of Jesus


"You should not be inferring that I came to be casting peace on the earth.  I did not come to be casting peace, but a sword.  For I came to pit a man against His father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter - in law against her mother - in - law.  And the enemies of a man are those of His household." 

Matthews Account 10: 34-36, Concordant New Testament 

One of the truths of life which I ultimately trust in is that one should not argue over two specific things.  That being religion and politics.  For when we engage in these discussions, disagreements are sure to be raised.  I recall a certain Christian brother who once fellowshipped with us on our Sunday morning meetings.  From the beginning it was evident that his view of the scriptures and mine did not quite mesh.  Of course this wasn't just me, but with others in our group as well.  This man had decided that it was his duty to defend the scriptures from any and all forms of heresy imaginable.  This placed us right in his crosshairs, because the gospel we were discovering was the gospel which the apostle Paul speaks to as the indwelling Christ {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  In our brothers mind, Jesus could never be within sinful man, and he picked apart many parts of scripture in order to prove us wrong and to prove his point.  Who would have known that the word of Jesus would be causing such division among believers.  I'll tell you who, Jesus.  It is Jesus who speaks to us of the division in the world which He will bring.  It is Jesus who proclaims that a "Mans enemies are those of his own household" {Matthews Account 10:36}.  Jesus indeed knew of the division which He wrought.  He was faced with division among the Jewish sects of His day.  Not only that, there was certainly division among His followers at times.  What is it about Jesus that brings about such division among believers in general?  I have a friend that I cannot discuss my own beliefs of the gospel spoken by Paul because his Eastern Orthodox religious views fly in the face of the truth of Christ which Paul speaks to.  He lives in a world where the fear of sin is forever real.  Despite my encouragement that Christ has paid that debt in full, he continues to argue that his sins of today are keeping him from the Lord.  Again, the division of Jesus continues.  I'm not at all surprised by this, as Jesus Himself proclaimed that this life would not be easy {Johns Account 16:33}.  We can take heart, however, because we trust in Christ Jesus who has overcome the world.  

And He has protested to me, "Sufficient for you is My grace, for My power in infirmity is being perfected."  With the greatest relish, then, will I rather be glorifying in my infirmities, that the power of Christ should be tabernacling over me.  Wherefore I delight in infirmities, in outrages, in necessities, in persecutions, for Christ's sake, for, whenever I may be weak, then I am powerful. 

Paul to the Corinthians (2) 12: 9-10, Concordant New Testament 

It has been said that Jesus will be forever known as one of the worlds peacemakers.  I agree.  However, He shall also be known for pitting brother against brother and a father against his own children.  For the words which He speaks at times go against those of the mainstream church system.  The words spoken by Jesus will often go against the different man created sects of Christianity as we know it.  I have recently watched a few internet videos of a catholic priest speaking to his congregation.  Going from his own words, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was perfect without sin and that hell is a very real thing.  I take these videos with a grain of salt, as they originate from the teachings of the institutional church.  The division between the catholic faith and mainstream Christianity is another example of the division of Jesus in essence.  Each with their own view of who and what Jesus truly is.  I believe that Jesus is the very image of the Father {Johns Account 1:14, 14:9, To the Hebrews 1:3, Paul to the Colossians 1:15}.  I also believe that I myself have been created in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  The very words of scripture speak to us of the identity and truth of Christ Jesus.  Division comes when we attempt to manipulate that scripture to fit our own views.  


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