Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Light Of Life


In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word.  This was in the beginning toward God, all came into being through it, and apart from it not one thing came into being which has come into being.  In it was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light is appearing in the darkness, and the darkness grasped it not.  

Johns Account 1: 1-5, Concordant New Testament 

There was a discussion amongst our group this week on what actually occurs at the moment of conception.  Recently, a video emerged of a human embryo at the very moment of conception.  Interestingly, at this very moment of life creation, there was a suddenly a light which surrounded the embryo.  A few Christian commentators have grasped onto this discovery as further proof of the moment life begins.  Now, no matter which side of the creation fence you're sitting on, it is a commonly accepted fact that at some point, that embryo becomes human life.  But the politics of the issue argue about which point this actually occurs.  Many on the liberal left have argued that life, functioning life, is not visible until months away from the birth of the child.  Meanwhile, many Christians and conservatives claim that abortions at this point are nothing less than murder.  I happen to believe that life begins at conception.  It is a scientific fact that upon conception of the human cell, development begins immediately.  Cells divide and new tissues are born.  There is activity in this new human life.  This, of course, was the desire of the Lord upon creation, that man would be fruitful and multiply {Genesis 1:28}.  Upon creating man in His very spirit likeness {Genesis 1:27}, the Father instructed His creation to multiply.  That he did.  Many are aware of the history of the Lords creation, how the flesh body of Adam was formed by God from the dust of the ground {Genesis 2:7}.  It was only after this second creation of Adams flesh body that the Father breathed into His creation the breath of life and Adam became a living soul.  But what, if anything, does all of this have to do with that moment of conception?  Well, we know from our history that each of our creations, both spirit and flesh, have the earmarks of the Father upon them.  We were first created in the likeness of God, in His image.  Then, the Father formed our flesh bodies from the dust of the ground, and through His breath of life we became a living, breathing soul.  Knowing this, we can honestly say that God is in our DNA.  Being His creation, He has been a part of us from the beginning.  

By faith we are apprehending the eons to adjust to a declaration of God, so that what is being observed has not come out of what is appearing. 

To the Hebrews 11: 3, Concordant New Testament 

I have always found it interesting that when God spoke the creation of His likeness, that He spoke of creating him in "Our image" and "According to Our likeness" {Genesis 1:26}.  Who was the other which He was referring to?  The apostle John speaks to the "Word" being toward God {Johns Account 1:1}.  Many believers understand this to be in reference to Christ Jesus.  We're told that Jesus is the "Exact imprint" of the nature of God {To the Hebrews 1:3}.  The apostle Paul speaks to all things being created by and through Christ Jesus {Paul to the Colossians 1:16}.  I don't think that it's that far of a stretch to proclaim that Christ has been with us since the beginning.  Jesus was with the Father when He spoke creation into existence.  Going by scripture we see that God spoke, and that through Christ Jesus all things came into being.  Jesus IS the spoken word of the Father.  John speaks to Jesus being the "Light of men" {Johns Account 1:4}.  I was thinking of this passage as I was working my notes for this writing.  What is it that drew me to pen this page?  The discovery of that moment of light at the very moment of human conception.  The light of men.  I believe that it is at this moment, the beginning of life, that our spirit, and that of God and the Son as well, come into being in this new life.  It is through conception that life and the transfer of His spirit are accomplished.  For nothing has been created apart from Christ.  


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