Friday, June 28, 2024

Not So, Joe


Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, that is superior to every frame of mind, shall be garrisoning your hearts and your apprehensions in Christ Jesus. 

Paul to the Philippians 4: 6-7, Concordant New Testament 

I fell into the trap once again last night.  While watching the latest presidential debate on television my anxiety seemed to ease as the senility of one Joe Biden was put on full public display.  Now for sure, I told myself, Donald J Trump could work his magic and put our nation back on track.  It took me awhile before I realized my error in thinking.  Yet how many people watching this debate around the world were thinking the same thing?  That somehow each of these candidates on public display could somehow move mountains to right this ship?  If God has a sense of humor, and I believe He does, He would definitely find this thinking downright humorous.  That human man could do the work of God Himself.  This error in our thinking isn't new, but originated in the lush green foliage of the garden of Eden.  Here, when tempted by the deceiver speaking the lie, Adam and Eve partook of the fruit forbidden them by the Lord God their creator.  The lie which Satan spoke unto the Lords creation was that if they ate of the fruit, that "Your eyes will be unclosed, and you will become like Elohim, knowing good and evil" {Genesis 3:4-6}.  That is, eat the fruit and you will be like God.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Man, believing in the lie of the deceiver that he was indeed separated from God, continued to live that lie in his life.  This is the trap which I once again fell into last night.  Temporarily thinking that it was by one mans authority that our nation would be restored.  This has been the error in our thinking for some time.  The belief that we are separated from God.  But the dirty little secret is that despite our belief in the lie spoken by the deceiver, God has always been with us.  It is we who have separated ourselves from the Father.  It has never been the Lords intention that we be outside of His presence.  We are His children created in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  It is God who, taking the dust from the ground, breathed into us the breath of life that we our flesh would become a living soul {Genesis 2:7}.  How is it that that which has been created can say to its creator, "You are no part of me?"  

We are of God.  He who knows God is hearing us.  He who is not of God is not hearing us.  By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deception. 

First Epistle of John 4: 6, Concordant New Testament 

As I contemplated my momentary lapse in thinking (Joe Biden wasn't the only one with brain farts last night), I realized that my trust in the man Donald Trump was nothing more than the believing in the spirit of error.  That spirit of error is continuing in the belief that we are separated from the Father.  I know better!  Yet I, like so many other this campaign season, have at times been too easy to believe that man is in control.  Again, this is a part of the spirit of error thinking.  For it is the Father who is ultimately in control of all that occurs.  There is nothing which has ever occurred that has gone unnoticed by Him.  So, where is it that we should place our faith and trust?  Exactly where it belongs, with God the Father!  It is God who, despite the storms which rage around us, has a plan for our life.  It is God who, in spite of the chaos and confusion of everyday life, desires to remind us that we are not separated from Him, but in union with Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  How wonderful it is to live a life in His presence.  We do not need to wait until we die and "Punch our ticket" in order to be in the intimate presence of the Father.  We're already there!  Having this realization is having the spirit of truth in our hearts.  No matter what happens this election year, the spirit of truth of our union life in Him will not change. 


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