Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Talking Jesus


Yet hallow the Lord Christ in your hearts, ever ready with a defense for everyone who is demanding from you an account concerning the expectation in you, but with meekness and fear. 

Peter to the Dispersion (1) 3: 15, Concordant New Testament 

The other night I saw a internet video of a Christian pastor who was speaking to the subject of evangelizing for Christ.  My first thought was that this was going to be just another mainstream church based recruitment tool.  But I was surprised when this man began speaking some of the truth of Jesus.  Yes, his message still contained vestiges of the institutional church theology, but I have come to expect that from these messages.  This got me to thinking, how is it that we tell of Christ Jesus to others around us?  How do we talk Jesus to the world?  Now, I am a firm believer that the world will come to know Jesus through those that have known Him.  That makes we who know Jesus in our hearts an important piece to this puzzle.  Better yet, how is it that I will speak of the Jesus I have come to know to others?  I'll go out on a limb and say that the Jesus that I know is different from the Jesus spoken of in many mainstream churches today.  Yet the concept is the same.  How do we speak that Jesus loves the world to someone who is going through a personal trauma?  How is it that we speak that God is love to someone who has been diagnosed with life ending cancer?  These are the challenges that we face when we choose to speak Jesus to others.  I learned a long time ago that simply throwing a few bible verses at people does little or nothing to bring someone to Christ.  People want a personal connection to God.  I have a dear friend who, back in the day, used to do his daily bible study at a local Starbucks coffee shop.  Over time, he met more than a few people who were genuinely curious in what he was studying.  He has continued to maintain more than a few of these relationships in Jesus to this day.  So, the question remains, how is it that we speak Jesus to those who desperately are needing to hear the truth of who He is.  For myself, I might have found that answer in my quest for my own better health.  

"Now, whenever they may be giving you up, you should not be worrying about how or what you should be speaking, for it shall be given you in that hour what you should be speaking"

Matthews Account 10: 19, Concordant New Testament 

Honestly, I never began to set a gym exercise habit with the intention of bringing others to Christ, it's just worked out that way.  From the beginning of my fitness journey, I began to refer to those whom I got to know at the gym as "Gym Rats."  These gym rats were guys who I began to see each and every day when I would do my workouts.  I've lost count, but I believe that our rat pack has grown now to include over 15 people!  I know from our conversations that a few of my friends are believers in Jesus.  I did not lead them to Christ, I simply found this out through our conversations.  And, here lies one of the keys to speaking Christ Jesus to others.  I do not walk into the gym each day with the intention of leading someone to Jesus.  I don't keep a scorecard to show to the local pastor.  What I do is simply be myself, to engage others in normal conversation.  Through conversation I discovered that one of my friends was a ordained minister.  Through conversation I have followed the journey of one of my brothers who has gone through multiple surgeries in recent months.  I've mentioned that I do indeed pray for him, and he has thanked me for doing so.  Jesus speaks to these moments where we may need the Father to give us the words to say {Mattews Account 10:19}.  I've found that through normal conversation, God has often given me the words to say to those I've met at the gym.  This would be my advice to someone wanting to speak Christ to someone else, start with a simple conversation!  Through conversation we get to know someone.  Through conversation the Father will open the hearts of those who need Him.  I've never been the street preacher type.  rambling off bible verses to people isn't my thing.  What I CAN do is to be myself and speak to those around me.  For it's not me who is speaking, but the Lord speaking through me. 


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