Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Most Unlikely Messenger

Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way,  whether men or women,  he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
Acts 9: 1-2 NKJV

I've made this observation to a few friends of mine in the past when the subject of discipleship has come up.  "Who am I to lead someone to Jesus?"  I mean, doesn't God know my past and what I've been through?  I'm sure there would be someone more spirirual, more Godly that God could choose to lead others to himself.  Honestly, I didn't feel comfortable at all in that role.  I knew myself all too well, or did I?  I can't imagine what Saul was feeling when he was stopped by Jesus on that road to Damascus, but I'm guessing it was more than likely along the same lines of what I thought when asked to do the same, why me?  It would do us good to remember that it's not above the creator of all the universe to choose which vessel he'll use to bring his message of salvation to others.  In fact, wouldn't that message have more impact coming from someone as unlikely as Saul,  or any of us who doubt ourselves?
I can recall at least three men who not only changed lives, but who were used by God to spread the message he needed to be heard by others.  Moses was very reluctant when confronted by God on that mountain.  God had heard the cries of his people who were in slavery in Egypt, and now it was time to deliver them.  Moses had other ideas, why me?  In fact, he even suggested that God send his brother Aaron in his place.  Well, God sent Aaron as Moses suggested, as Moses' helper!  What about that man Jonah?  If there's one thing we can take away from his story is that you can't run from God.  Jonah tried, and ended up regurgitated on a beach by a fish!  That brings us back to our friend Saul, who would later call himself "Chief of all sinners."  There we have it, three unlikely men who I'm sure had no idea what God had in store for them.  One question they all asked, why me God?
My friend David and I still talk about the subject of talking to others about God.  Yes, my response is usually the same, why me?  David is a unique person in that he has made many of his connections with other men while sitting in Starbucks drinking coffee.  I'm not sure if the words why me have ever come to his mind when connecting with other guys.  One thing is certain, whatever he's doing is working for him as he's led many guys to Jesus.  In the end it comes down to stepping outside of ourselves and allowing God to lead us to those people who desperately need to hear about Jesus.  Imagine our reaction if we were praying and Gods first response was...why me?


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