Monday, March 6, 2017



17As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27: 17 NKJV

Not too long ago, there was a huge push to usher men into arena enclosed conferences for men.  Many of these multi day events would often include some high profile speakers to rally and motivate the christian men into a frenzy which would hopefully last until the next conference came along to rally their spirits once again.  We were even involved in a few of these rah rah festivals.  The only problem with these traveling mens side shows was that they were fine for a few days, but once the circus left town, the same men they were seeking to motivate for Jesus were left once again without brothers to rally around.  I believe that this was a key flaw in this mens conference fad.  Ironically, one of these conferences was named Iron Sharpens Iron, an obvious play on a verse in Proverbs which tells us of the benefits of male friendships we develop.  Indeed, I have met more than a few guys who have formed friendships after meeting at a mens conference, but they are the exception and not the norm.  So, what of those men who were left behind once the pulpit pounding circus left town?  More often than not, we were left to our own devices spiritually, no better off than when the Iron Sharpeners came to town.  I should know, I was one of those left in the dust after attending a few of these side shows on my own and as a volunteer.  If the organizers of these events were looking to build unity among men, they left behind more than a few of my disillusioned brothers.

9Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. 10For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. 11Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? 12Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4: 9 - 12 NKJV

So, what were the organizers of these events really looking to accomplish?  Well, I believe in my heart that the motives were indeed good, but how they went about accomplishing this is where we went south.  For having a group of men sit through seminars and praise sessions is NOT the way to build brotherhood.  When we talk of guys building relationships with fellow christian men, I often refer to Jesus and His disciples and the way they shared their time together.  No, the way they shared their LIVES together.  For this was and is the building block of the close relationship between Jesus and His disciples.  During the years of His ministry, these men shared their lives with the image of the invisible God!  They lived, ate and traveled with their Lord and teacher.  I have no doubt that this is exactly why they shared such a close relationship with one another.  Think back to that group of guys you knew, or know, and how close you became in your friendship.  Now, while it is definately true that men and women develop relationships differently, this by no means diminishes the importance of our vital relationships with our brothers.  As men, we all need those brothers in our lives who we can turn to in our time of need.  Of course, where women will get together for coffee or shopping, we men often gather for hiking, fishing or (Gasp!) GAMBLING!  For some time, Dennis and I have had a standing reservation for a weekly dinner meeting.  Usually if we don't schedule something, one of us will text and ask which day is a good day to meet.  These aren't strategy or ministry sessions, just two friends enjoying dinner.  Again, I mention the example of Jesus and His disciples.  Dennis and I do not practice that all too familiar institutional church discipleship, we just share life together.  Not only that, but we share a brotherhood with our brothers on Sunday morning as well.  Perhaps the Promise Keepers could take a lesson from our little group.


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