Saturday, December 3, 2022

Happy Birthday Jesus

 For a Boy, He is born to us; A Son, He is given to us, and the chieftainship shall come to be on his shoulder, and one shall call His name Marvelous; counsel to the master shall He bring, Unto the chief, well being. 

Issaiah 9: 6, Concordant Old Testament 

It didn't take long this year.  After the food centered advertising of Thanksgiving had ended the yearly Christmas blitz began.  Not that I'm not used to annual desecration of this holy holiday, but this year seems to be different.  Imagine that you're a young person watching television or streaming something on your phone and all you are bombarded with is the ads and what others want you to know that Christmas is all about.  What would you be thinking?  If I were to guess, you'd be thinking that the Christmas holiday was a day defined by family, winter weather and the giving and receiving of presents.  You would have NO idea that thousands of years ago, a child was born who changed not only history, but your very identity as well.  If you're a religious person, then you more than likely have heard of the story of the birth of Jesus.  Of how Joseph and Mary huddled in an outdoor manger as the Christ child experienced his very first rejection (The refusal to allow the boy to be born warm and indoors).  Of how king Herod sought the boy that he might kill him.  Of how the whole of Jerusalem was troubled {Matthew 2:3}.  This is the story of the birth of Jesus that I grew up with.  Of course, this was before the days of cable TV and the internet.  Back then, Christmas wasn't looked upon as one of the busiest retail seasons of the year, but as an important holiday of remembrance.  Not so much these days.  In a way I feel bad for the young generation these days because unless they have been introduced to Jesus by family, they more than likely don't know how important He is to us.  To this generation, Christmas may seem like just another holiday.  What with all of the Christmas trees, lights and retail sales.  None of which proclaim His glory.  

Now she shall be bringing forth a Son, and you shall be calling His name Jesus, for He shall be saving His people from their sins.  

Matthew 1: 21, Concordant New Testament 

I think it's safe to say that I am the man that I am today because of Jesus.  It is the revelation of Christ in me which gave me the understanding of who I truly am.  This is why the birth of Christ Jesus is so very important to us.  For not only did Jesus become sin on our behalf that it would be put to death with Him{2 Corinthians 5:21}, He also has revealed Himself in us {Galatians 2:20}.  Far from being dead, Jesus is alive and thriving in us today.  This is why we celebrate His birth.  There is no holiday sale, decorated tree or candlelight service that could have accomplished what Jesus has done for us.  I feel that this is the tragedy of this electronic generation, that they not know Jesus who truly defines them.  So then the question arises, how will someone who has never known Jesus come to know Him?  How will one of these youngsters today be introduced to the revelation of Christ?  Well, for those who have come to know Jesus, this is our calling.  They will come to know Christ Jesus as He reveals Himself through those who know Him.  This is why we who have the revelation of Christ must never forget the true reason for this season.  For us the Child was born.  For us the Son was given.  

Now when the fulltime came, God delegates His Son, come of a woman, come under law. 

Galatians 4: 4, Concordant New Testament 


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