Sunday, December 11, 2022

Without Excuse

 For Gods indignation is being revealed from heaven on all the irreverence and injustice of men who are retaining the truth in injustice, because that which is known of God is apparent among them for God manifests it to them.  

Romans 1: 18-19, Concordant New Testament 

Imagine for a minute that you are driving down the road in a new sports car at 100 mph.  As you go along on your joyride, you pass various speed limit signs along the way proclaiming a maximum speed of 45.  Still, you continue at your present speed.  Suddenly you see the lights of a police car in your mirror and you pull over to a stop.  When the officer asks you why you were driving so fast you claim that you didn't know that there was a speed limit.  You, sir, are a liar.  For with each and every speed limit sign that you passed along the way you were reminded of the local speed limit.  To suddenly proclaim that nobody told you the legal limit is a lie.  Yet every day we see people who know the truth say that they were never informed.  I once knew a man I worked with who was targeted by a red light camera on his way home from work.  He swore up and down that it wasn't him, even disputing his case to the authorities.  Well, it turns out that cameras don't lie.  I was thinking about this the other day when a good friend reminded me of a section of scripture describing those who ignore God.  Those who, knowing the truth, ignore the presence of the Lord.  There have been many times I have thought to myself as I look on a sunrise or something as simple as a flower and think to myself how foolish it is that someone would deny that a God exists.  But we see it every day.  I have been called everything from foolish to closed minded for my belief in the Lord.  The brightest people in the room, it seems, are those who explain away the worlds wonders with man made science.  Those who drive down the road ignoring the constant reminders of the truth all around us.

For His invisible attributes are described from the creation of the world, being apprehended by His achievements, besides His imperceptible power and divinity, for them to be defenseless, because, knowing God, not as God do they glorify or thank Him, but vain were they made in their reasonings, and darkened is their unintelligent heart.  Alleging themselves to be wise, they are made stupid. 

Romans 1: 20-22, Concordant New Testament 

I look upon the climate change movement for what it is, a scam.  Now, I've been called many degrading things for holding these beliefs, but I know the truth and the truth is in me.  The truth is, God is real.  The truth is, Jesus is real.  I always found it funny that so many people will recognize Jesus as one of the most influential people ever, yet when the rubber meets the road, these same people will deny ever being told of Him.  If this is you, what will your excuse be?  How will you describe your failure to see the truth which has been exhibited all around you.  Each and every day, our Father reveals Himself through His creation.  Each and every day someone again claims they have never been told of God.  A good friend once told me that one of Gods desires is to be known by His children.  To be known by those He lovingly created.  I agree.  Yet how is it that God will be known by those who claim they have never been told of Him?  this may be where we who have known the Lord come in.  For it is also known that Jesus will be seen through those He abides in.  Perhaps this is what Jesus was referring to when He described those who followed Him as the "Light of the world" {Matthew 5:16}.  That light shines from those who have it.  The more we exhibit Christ Jesus who is in us, the more the world will be introduced unto Him {Galatians 2:20}.  This is the Fathers desire, that He be known by His creation. 

Perceive what manner of Love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God!  And we are!  Therefore the world does not know us, for it did not know him.  

1 John 3: 1, Concordant New Testament


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