Saturday, January 20, 2018

Our Two Americas

22And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He has Beelzebub,” and, “By the ruler of the demons He casts out demons.”23So He called them to Himself and said to them in parables: “How can Satan cast out Satan? 24“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25“And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 26“And if Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but has an end. 27“No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house.
Mark 3: 22 - 27 NKJV

I read with some interest this week Wayne Jacobsens "God Journey" podcast post.  See, this week Wayne and Brad were discussing the subject of our political climate in this country.  Personally, I couldn't think of a more inflamatory subject.  Could these two men of God somehow make sense of the agnst which seems to have overtaken our nation in recent years?  To say that I was skeptical was a understatement.  Almost on cue, both Wayne and Brad found themselves at odds over their differing political opinions.  So much for christian reasoning working out those differences among men I guess.  See, I could have gone to Vegas on 100 to 1 odds and bet that these two christians would end up in disagreement over these issues.  Why you ask?  Because I have become all too familiar with the political climate in this land of the free, this bastian of freedom of speech.  Well, freedom of speech as long as your views don't interfere with those of another, which is not freedom at all in my opinion.  Inded, there are times when I feel like one calling out in the wilderness that someone might hear me.  So, you can understand my skepticism that two well meaning christians would be able to put aside thier own differences to conduct a productive discussion on how to bring our nation together.  I've seen that movie too many times before.  So,why is it that Wayne and Brad would feel the desire to place their own beliefs above that of their friends?  To answer that question we may need to go down a road that very few christians have traveled and/or understood.  That is, our own faith in the lie that we ourselves are independent beings and in control of our own environment.  We have fallen for the ages old lie perpetrated by satan himself that we, our Lords creation, are independent from Him.  If you recall, this is the very same lie used on Adam and Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:4-5}.  That is, that if we just follow satans advice, that we "Will be like God."  Now, I was born at night...but not last night!  Unless you're someone who's just fallen off the local turnip truck, you already know in your heart that it is not all about you!  Think about it, what happened the last time you put yourself above the desires and needs of others?  I would wager to bet that such a person would either receive the coldest of shoulders from either either freinds or spouse.  We simply DO NOT put others in this position if we have a heart for those around us.  There is something more important than ourselves out there.

There's a warning sign on the road ahead
There's alot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like satan but I am to them
So I try to forget it any way I can
~Neil Young~

I titled this page Our Two Americas for a reason.  As was confirmed by Wayne and Brad, we are a nation of competing beliefs.  Now, I have NO complaints with our country being a nation of differing opinions and beliefs.  For over two hundred years, the United States has been the destination of those opressed, scourged and outcast worldwide.  However, over the decades we have ceased to be a nation of shared dissent to a land of competing beliefs.  The focal point seems to no longer be the greater good of the country but whose political agenda is pushed down the throats of the people our own public servants swore to represent.  THAT I have a problem with.  Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with political debate, but not when one person is silenced as being racist, homophobic or (Gasp!) a Trump voter!  This isn't political debate at all but one side forcing their own views on the rest of the country.  I believe that this is but one reason for the rise of and the election of Donald Trump, a good portion of the country had simply had enough of being told what to believe in.  It is also my humble opinion that it is this belief that will carry Trump to a second term in 2020.  Yes, I know I'm crazy, I'm a racist and a homophobe!  These are the badges I wear for voicing my own opinions in a nation of free speech.  Now, I will credit Wayne and Brad for having a civil discussion on their own beliefs.  If only every political conversation were so easy.  We do well to remember that it is not so much about ourselves, but about Christ Jesus who lives through us {Galations 2:20}.  The day that we as a nation accept the reality that we are not independent of God will certainly be a day of healing for our nation.  Until that day I will be that voice in the wilderness.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
~The New Colosus - Emma Lazarus~

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