Friday, December 25, 2020

The Greatest Gift


For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder.  And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9: 6 NKJV 

I've heard from a  lot of people this year who are tired of how commercial the Christmas season has become.  That they are tired of all of the sales which begin in earnest even before the last turkey leg of Thanksgiving dinner has been devoured.  This year I heard of more than a few Thanksgiving dinners that were interrupted by "Earlier than black Friday" sales.  It's funny, but I recall a time when you never left the dinner table until everyone had finished.  You never went shopping on Thanksgiving...because there was nothing open!  Yes, even those perpetual retail kingpins of seven - eleven were closed on holidays.  Obviously, we've come a long way from back in the day until our current society.  We might be the first in line for that door buster deal, but we've lost something else along the way.  What we seem to have lost is our appreciation for the greatest gift ever given.  Now, when I mention greatest gift, many people will immediately think of the newest Play Station or a new car.  Wrong answer.  For the gift I am referring to is the gift given to us out of the love and mercy of our heavenly Father.  Over two thousand years ago, God bestowed His wonderful gift upon the world in the form of a infant.  The excitement and joy of the birth of Christ Jesus would soon lead to wonder, criticism, torture and His ultimate death on the cross.  However, as a good friend gently reminded me this week, that cross can never symbolize life.  Therefore, we know in our hearts that the crucifixion of Jesus did not lead to His own death, but to life.  Jesus has defeated death once and for all, three days after His own death He rose again.  So, why do I refer to Jesus as the greatest gift?  Because...He is.  Simply put, Jesus was God born of man {John 1:1-2, John 1:13}.  That is, God came into the world as a infant.  What gifts have you ever received which have transformed your life in ways Jesus has?  I can't think of any.  It was in the name of Jesus that Peter healed the lame {Acts 3:6}.  Is the reason why people have become weary of the commercialistic nature of the holiday season because they are seeking something more than a last minute sale?  Anything is possible I guess.  For me, knowing that gifts and sales are only temporary riches compared to a life in Christ is part of the greatest gift ever given.

"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Luke 2: 11 NKJV 

I have to admit that even before I grew weary of all of the sales and door buster deals, the Christmas season lost some of its magic for me.  It was on Christmas eve of 2016 that my mother was admitted to the hospital for the last time.  She passed away less than a month later.  So, I look at Christmas eve in a different way now than I used to.  Like most, I used to see it as a season of buying and celebrating.  Of Christmas trees and holiday shows.  Not anymore.  Maybe I'm getting nostalgic in my middle age, but my view of Christmas is now more Jesus centered than ever.  He is the greatest gift I was ever given (although it took me some time to open it).  Once I opened this free gift, I realized what I had been missing.  The freedom of knowing that I have forgiveness {Romans 6: 6-11}.  The realization that Jesus has always been there with me {Galatians 2:20}.  Best of was free.  However, we do well to remember the price that Jesus paid to deliver this gift to us.  It was Jesus who became sin in our place {2 Corinthians 5:21}.  Never forget as well that it is by the Lords love for us that Jesus delivered this gift to all mankind {John 3:16-17}.  Yes, the gift is given freely to all, regardless if they decide to open it or not.  There will be those who allow their gift to sit dormant for years before being led to open it.  Then, there will be those who will choose to never open the gift.  That is their choice.  The gift is given freely to all.  One added bonus, this is a gift that never expires and you won't need to return.  

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

Colossians 1: 15 NKJV 


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