Saturday, August 6, 2022

The God Culture


Now you are the body of Christ, and members of a part. 

1 Corinthians 12: 27, Concordant New Testament 

For far too many years I have heard too many people refer to the term "Growing up in the church."  Has anyone ever really had this experience?  I've known a few friends in my time whose family was so entrenched in the church and ministry that they literally lived at the church.  I normally have no problem with this idea, as long as it doesn't encroach on my time or my life.  See, I'm totally ok with saying that I wasn't raised in the church.  That doesn't make me any more or less loved by God than the next guy.  I wasn't into all of the church life being spread over all of my life.  In fact, this may be why I stayed away from more than a few church activities while growing up, I'd had enough of the preachy culture.  Indeed, the church has a unique way of turning a simple social event into a full-fledged ministry opportunity.  Give it a rest!  There is absolutely NO need that a simple gathering of the body should be morphed into another sermon of small group teaching session.  That being said, I have no issue with people gathering to share the word and discuss ministry ideas.  Just let the rest of us know beforehand so that I can stay away if I so desire.  As I so often do, I refer back to the words and actions of the ministry of Christ Jesus when contemplating life in the modern church.  Did Jesus use each and every opportunity He was gathered at to speak of the Father and to share His ministry?  No!  Was Jesus more devoted to His ministry than He was to relationships with those around Him?  No!  So, why would we as His body do any less than Jesus did in His day?  Might I say that this whole thing is more about relationship and less about the recognition of any particular ministry.  But this is the church-based God culture at its best.  

Now all those who believe also were in the same place and had all things in common.  And they disposed of the acquisitions and the properties, and divided them to all, forasmuch as some may have had need.  Besides persevering day by day with one accord in the sanctuary, besides breaking bread home by home, they partook of nourishment with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor for the whole people.  Now the Lord added those being saved day by day in the same place.

Acts 2: 44-47, Concordant New Testament

One of my favorite scriptures of community in Christ is found in Acts 2 44-47.  It is here where we see how the early body of believers in Christ Jesus gathered amongst themselves.  What we DON'T see in these gatherings is anything resembling a mainstream church agenda.  There is no teaching session and no preaching.  Just a like-minded group of believers coming together in Christ.  This is the gathering of the body of Jesus.  The God culture seems far removed from these gatherings.  Now, the scriptures also tell us that the body praised God during their gatherings, so I do believe that there was also some praise and worship of the Lord involved.  I have no issue with that, that is something I do myself each day.  But what remains is that these early believers had no agenda, they came together in Christ.  As I said, I have no issue with the body coming together for the instruction and ministry of the body, just let me know your intentions beforehand so that I can be somewhere else.  I want no part of your God culture.  What I do want is the knowing in my own heart that Christ Jesus lives in me {Galatians 2:20}.  Funny thing, I usually don't need a slick sermon or ministry session to convince me of this truth.  I already know it in my heart.  So it is that I can avoid many of the ministry sessions and pseudo sermons given by those immersed in the God culture.  If your intent is to fellowship, I'm all in.  However, if your intent is to disguise your ministry with fellowship, count me out.  I've seen that movie already.    


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here hear Scott. I too know Jesus lives in me and don’t need the church to tell me how to live