Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Two Gospels


Yet these are written that you should be believing that Jesus is the Christ, The Son of God, and that, believing, you may have life eonian in His name. 

John 20: 31, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up, I had never heard of the two gospels.  In fact, to speak of such things could very well get one labeled as a blasphemer.  Most believers who have spent some time in any mainstream church, however, have indeed heard the two gospels spoken without even knowing it.  So my readers are clear, I risk being labeled a blasphemer or heretic for the sake of illustrating what has become known to me as the two gospels.  One spoken by Christ Jesus.  The other proclaimed from the pulpits of the churches for a few thousand years.  I am no conspiracy theorist, as there is no room for those types where Jesus is concerned.  You either believe that Christ Jesus is the Son of God...or you don't.  There is no middle ground here.  Even now, I can hear the teeth of religious purists grinding as I dare speak to this blasphemous topic.  But, that's what I do.  So, what am I speaking of when I mention the two gospels?  Sorry, these two competing gospels.  My trusty Google dictionary describes the word gospel as 1. The teaching or revelation of Christ.  2. A thing that is absolutely true.  3. A set of principles or beliefs.  Personally I think we can toss number three as being just page filling fluff.  So, we're left with two definitions that constitute the gospel.  When combined, they represent the absolute true teaching and revelation of Christ Jesus.  Sounds simple enough right?  How is it possible to mess this up?  Well, trust me, the mainstream church found a way long ago.  Beginning with Constantine's  Nicene creed in the year 325, church leaders sought to find a way to make the gospel universal.  Sort of a one size fits all religious belief.  The Nicene creed, as it's known, is what the church leaders of the day came up with after much discussion and debate.  This Nicene creed would now become, for all intents and purposes, the gospel of Jesus.  This is what the church would now teach.  

Is this not the artisan, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon?  And are not his sisters here with us?  And they were snared in Him. 

Mark 6: 3, Concordant New Testament 

The differences between the two gospels are slight, but nonetheless glaring.  One of the main rejections of Jesus which has come out of the mainstream church is the belief in the separation between ourselves and God.  This is the lie spoken by the accuser in the garden {Genesis 3:4-5}.  On any given Sunday, you can hear some pulpit pounder proclaim the belief that we must strive here on earth in order to achieve the salvation of the Lords presence for eternity.  However, the apostle Paul casts doubt on this teaching as he proclaims that it is indeed Christ Jesus who lives in him {Galatians 2:20}.  If Jesus is dead and in heaven, how can He be alive in me?  Speaking to Jesus being dead, is He really dead?  No.  For Paul also speaks to Jesus overcoming death at the cross {Romans 6:9}.  The true gospel of Jesus, which is seldom if ever spoken to in the halls of the mainstream church, is that Christ Jesus lives among us today.  The true gospel of Jesus is one which has never placed demands upon those who believe in Him.  Those who discover the gospel of Christ Jesus in their hearts will not only discover a new found freedom, but a knowledge of Him which at times contradicts the teachings of the institution which has been tasked with teaching the world about Him.  There, I said it.  Before you push for my expulsion from the church, ask yourselves this question.  Are we to discount all scriptures of the gospel of Jesus that do not agree with the traditional teachings of the mainstream church?  If so, I don't want to live in that kind of world.  

There is no independent, self-operating self in the universe, except the One who calls Himself the I AM {Ex 3:14} and says, "I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside Me" {Isa 45:5}. 

No Independent Self ~ Norman Grubb


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