Friday, January 20, 2023

Raising The Dead (The Open Door)

 Wherefore God gives them over, in the lusts of their hearts, to the uncleanliness of dishonoring their bodies among themselves, those who alter the truth of God into the lie, and are venerated, and offer divine service to the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed for the eons!  Amen!  

Romans 1: 24-25, Concordant New Testament 

The other day I caught a documentary on local tv about the current state of the drug use epidemic here in Portland.  I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, for I had seen this coming.  In July of 2020, Oregon voters passed measure 110 with 55.8% of the vote statewide.  What measure 110 did was simply decriminalize the possession and personal use of all drugs.  Fast forward to the current day, where no matter where you go in this once good city you will surely find another addict in the midst of destroying their life with the blessing of the Oregon voters.  You get what you pay for, and this epidemic is what the majority of voters in Oregon have given us.  This issue happens to be personal for me in that my employment brings me into the teeth of the drug addicted population each and every day.  When people use the word zombies to describe those addicted to now legalized drugs, they're not too far off in their description.  I've witnessed those addicted to one drug or another almost get hit by buses and be brought back to life by medical personnel.  I've shared the breaking heart of a young lady who longed to see her family, if not for the condition she found herself in.  My question is this, what were the majority of Oregonians thinking when they passed this monstrosity?  I get that Oregon has always been a progressively liberal state, but we're killing our own.  The politicians wring their hands as they attempt to solve the crisis which Oregon dealt upon itself.  Law enforcement, their hands now tied, have become simply the front line pall bearers as the bodies continue to pile up throughout the city.  Their long standing motto, "To protect and to serve," can now be narrowed down simply "To observe."  It's difficult to fathom, but this is what we've brought upon ourselves.  

O man!  who are you, to be sure, who are answering again to God?  That which is molded will not protest to the molder, "why do you make me thus?"

Romans 9: 20, Concordant New Testament 

The other day a friend asked me, "Where is God in all of this?"  I'll tell you exactly where God is...the same place He's always been.  God hasn't changed at all, it's we who have changed.  Can we testify that the indwelling Christ lives in us and then lay the blame at His feet when things go haywire in our lives?  No!  I believe that Jesus lives in me, and in those affected by this epidemic, but I DO NOT blame Him for the unwelcome turns in my life.  Now, does God use these circumstances in order to grow me?  Absolutely.  Does He use situations in my life in order to reveal what He wants me to see?  Definitely.  I did not vote in favor of measure 110, because I saw the writing on the wall.  I knew the disaster it would bring upon our state.  God did not punish those who voted for measure 110 by instituting this epidemic.  On the contrary, He gave those with the desire for the use of narcotics over to their own behaviors.  God has never been in the business forcing His children into compliance {John 1:13}.  God does not demand that we choose Him.  He does, however, give us the free will with which to do so.  My mother used to tell me that God does not desire robots who blindly follow Him.  For what freedom is there in forced compliance?  To know and realize in our hearts that He is God is His desire for us.  He is love, and love is what He has to give us {1 John 4:8}.  

That they all may be one, according as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us, that the world should be believing that Thou dost commission Me. 

John 17: 21, Concordant New Testament 


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