Sunday, January 8, 2023

Raising The Dead (Seeing Jesus)


All came into being through it, and apart from it not even one thing came into being which has come into being.  In it was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light is appearing in the darkness, and the darkness grasped it not. 

John 1: 3-5, Concordant New Testament

A friend and I were in the midst of a discussion the other day when the question popped up.  Where have we seen Jesus this week?  For those seeking to know the Lord more, it is a legit question.  For Jesus is not only our Lord and savior, but our reason for being.  Still, I found yet another question to ask.  Where would we not expect to see Jesus?  Think of it, where in this world would you not expect to see evidence of the existence of Christ Jesus?  We're told that all things were made through Him {John 1:3, Colossians 1:16}.  So, to ask me where I have seen Jesus, I have a variety of answers for Jesus is in all we see.  Now, some might say, so you see Jesus in the negative of the world as well?  Yes, the scriptures do not differentiate that He is only in the good that we see.  Jesus is in all that we see.  How could Jesus be in such wickedness?  Well, is the wickedness due to Jesus, or the behaviors of the wicked?  Is it Jesus' intent to be known through bad things of the world?  Well, I believe that it is the intent of Jesus to be known by Gods children.  We're told that Jesus did not come to judge the world, but to save it {John 3:17}.  Jesus is not here to point that accusatory finger, but to invite all into being one with He and the Father {John 17:21}.  Granted, seeing Jesus in all we see goes against the grain of the church teaching I grew up with.  My early understanding of Jesus was that He lived in heaven at the Fathers side.  Imagine my surprise when I first heard of seeing Jesus in everything we see.  My first thought was, how many places can Jesus be at once?  Of course, I later understood that Jesus, having been among the Lord at the creation of the world, had no limits as far as His presence among us.  Indeed, He even transcends mainstream church teachings.  

For in Him is all created, that in the heavens and that on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, all is created through Him and for Him.  And He is before all, and all has it's cohesion in Him. 

Colossians 1: 16-17, Concordant New Testament 

In my recent Raising The Dead series of writings, I have written of a few of the experiences I've faced on the streets of Portland in the course of my daily job duties.  Now, those who know me will attest that I am no big fan of the homeless among us.  For the actions of this segment of our community has a direct impact on the difficulties of my job.  This was the filter with which I viewed many of those living on the streets.  Until I met Heather.  At first, my assumption was that this young lady was like all of the other homeless people I had run into.  Yet in a moment only Jesus could orchestrate, I began to see the human side of the struggle she faced each day.  Suffering through addiction, she wanted to see her family once again, but was ashamed to face them in the condition she found herself in.  In my heart, I imagine that there is a family out there somewhere in this city suffering through the absence of their daughter.  Hoping and praying that she somehow find her way home.  One might look at her and ask, how can someone like Heather turn her life around?  It is in moments like this that we see the love and compassion of Jesus.  I have prayed for Heather, that she would be reunited with her family and find the help that she needs.  I believe that one by one, life by life, that Jesus is revealing Himself unto those who so desperately need Him.  On that morning, He revealed Himself through me to a young lady who needed Him.


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