Sunday, April 2, 2023

Thanking God


And everything, whatsoever you may be doing, in word or in act, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God, the Father, through Him.

Colossians 3: 17, Concordant New Testament 

I was listening yesterday to a short little video by motivational speaker/game show host Steve Harvey.  In the video, Mr. Harvey made the observation that many people are going about their day the wrong way.  See, for too many people, they wake up each and every day with the stresses of this world weighing them down.  There are bills, relationships and job stress that not only keeps us up at night, but directly influences how we approach the coming day.  Before we even get our first cup of coffee, we may well have a negative attitude.  Obviously, those around us will pick up on this as well.  The solution?  Well, Steve Harvey proclaims that whenever we feel ourselves sinking into these feelings of negativity, we should stop, take a moment, and think of the things which we are thankful for.  This simple task will refocus our attention from the negative to the positive in our lives.  I have to admit that long before I watched the Harvey video, I had taken time each day to thank the Lord for what He has accomplished in me.  I know where my bread is buttered.  I know that my human efforts only take me so far.  The blessings, and low moments in my life all deserve gratitude and praise to the Father.  The issue with far too many Christians is that they thank God for the blessings in their lives but filter out the low moments.  Is not the Lord with us in the good as well as the bad?  Should we expect good from the Father and not the low moments as well {Job 2:10}?  Christians have had the "Name it and claim it" phase where believers are told to simply ask God for their desires and pray He will provide them.  So, have we now reduced God to simply a lottery ticket to be played?  What happens when what we pray for doesn't materialize?  If God angry?  Is He withholding our desires because of our bad behaviors?  Can you see where this road leads?  I am under the understanding that God indeed knows what we need at any given time {Matthew 5:32}.  While there is something to be said about celebrating the blessings in our life, celebrating Christ in our lives is far more important.  

Be rejoicing always.  Be praying unintermittingly.  In everything be giving thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, Concordant New Testament 

I'm not sure just when I decided to give thanks to the Lord at various times through the day, but it's been awhile.  I recall that there were times when I would feel down and out with all that was going on around me.  When the revelation of Christ Jesus in me was revealed in my life, suddenly God did not seem so far away.  Knowing Jesus made things more personal for me, and I began to see all the things which the Father is involved in in my life.  There was no disconnect between myself and the Lord.  He is with me each and every day.  In good and bad, I can count on Him to be there with me.  I am not that naive to understand that all which I am is from God.  For this I am thankful.  The other day I was putting gas in my car and grumping about how much the total bill was (Thank you Joe Biden!).  Suddenly I realized that it was due to the Lords blessing that I have the funds to pay for my vehicle and the fuel.  Everything I will ever have is a direct result of Gods hand upon me.  The teachings of the old preacher Norman Grubb tell us that we are NOT independent from the Lord.  In fact longer exist.  Grubb tells us that there is no independent self in the universe but for the Father.  Knowing this, how can I claim that I am in control of my own life?  I should indeed be thanking the Lord each and every day!  For it is God who loved me.  It is God who created me, and it is God who remains in me each and every day {Galatians 2:20}.  What part of my life is He not a intimate part of?  Thank you Lord.  

There is no independent, self-operating self in the universe, except the One who calls Himself the I AM {Ex 3:14} and says, "I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside Me." {Isa 45:5}

Norman Grubb, No Independent Self 


1 comment:

Scotts Page said...

All comments appreciated