Monday, January 15, 2024

All for Jesus


The only Son of God almighty

The holy one called Jesus Christ

He healed the sick and He fed the hungry

And for His love they took His life away 

~They Killed Him~ Kris Kristofferson 

I'm sure that you've heard it been said that there are two types of arguments one should never engage in.  That being discussions on religion and politics.  This can be evidenced by the current political divisions within our nation.  On the one hand, former president Donald Trump seems like a sure fire lock to be elected once again to our nations highest office.  Then again, those who grow tired of the in your face antics of the former president would rather hold their collective noses and choose the lesser of the evils, more than likely another America hating, economy busting Democrat.  For my money, I'd rather tolerate a few mean comments from Donald Trump if it means that the country as a whole will do better.  Others, unfortunately, do not share my opinion.  I get it.  But what about religion?  What is it about religion which often causes such rambunctious debates?  A good friend reminded me of this week with a comment concerning the mainstream church.  He wondered why the church feels the need to argue and defend its positions.  I have wondered this for some time as well.  But we should not at all be surprised when these  disagreements over religion and beliefs cloud our thoughts.  For Jesus Himself spoke to this in the book of Matthew.  Jesus proclaimed that, by His coming, that a mans enemies would be those of his own household {Matthews Account 10:36}.  Does this sound at all familiar?  Haven't we all at one time or another been caught up in spirited discussions in our vain attempts to defend our beliefs?  I can personally recall many a men's group classes where innocent discussions often led to heated arguments concerning religion.  I can recall well meaning pastors being raked over the coals by those in the congregation who thought that the gospel should be declared differently.  I recall mainstream church staff members advocating for the expulsion of church members simply because they believed that their beliefs were "Dangerous."  This isn't mainland China, nor communist Russia.  In fact, this could happen in any church in any town in America.  So, my question to you is this, what put the idea in your head that the creator of the universe needed your help in defending Himself?  When has our heavenly Father been so weak that He could not fight for Himself?  Yet many well meaning Christians continue to believe that the fight is our alone.  

"You should not be inferring that I came to be casting peace on the earth.  I did not come to be casting peace, but a sword.  For I came to pit a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  And the enemies of a man are those of his household. 

Matthews Account 10: 34-36, Concordant New Testament 

These words, spoken by Jesus, have proven over time to be prophetic.  For many a family has been torn by religious divisions.  I know a good friend who's sibling has different political and religious views than the rest of the family.  To his credit, he does not shun her from family gatherings.  I have also shared in my writings of a coworker of mine who adheres to the Eastern Orthodox faith of Christianity.  I have given up engaging him in religious discussions as these often lead to some pretty heated words.  He's not alone, for I was once also a member of the fight for Jesus crowd.  Whenever someone would express a different view, I would bark out a scripture or two in order to prove them wrong and make myself feel justified in defending the faith.  However, all I usually felt in the end was embarrassment.  One day the question popped into my head, why do I even need to defend God?  Why do I need to defend the One whom I pray to constantly to defend me?  Anyone see the irony in that?  Instead of trying so hard to defend the Lord and our beliefs, we should be allowing the Father to speak His word through us.  In the end, we are the ones who need His defense, not the other way around.  


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