Saturday, January 6, 2024

As Intended


So Elohim created humanity in his image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them. 

Genesis 1: 27, Concordant New Testament 

Recently there has been a lot of talk over gender, over human gender.  We have those who agree with the creation which the Father has made, and those who would rather not.  There are men who "Identify" as women and women who "Identify" as men.  Swimmer Lia Thomas broke barriers when he, became a she and proceeded to have success as a transgender male turned female on a women's swimming team.  Many liberals will point to this as a shining example of a man discovering "Her" true calling.  I call it bullsh@t.  Now, I get that I will probably get some pushback for my beliefs, but I'm a firm believer in the old adage of if it ain't broke don't fix it.  If your car is running fine, don't go out and spend hundreds of dollars trying to diagnose a imaginary issue (Unless you own a Ford Ranger, then for Lords sake just buy something else!)  Seriously, if the human body is doing fine, don't be messing with Gods creation.  By all accounts, Lia Thomas' physical body was doing fine, why mess with it?  To the naked eye, there is one glaring reason for Lia Thomas to do what he/she did, greed.  As a female swimmer, she was inadequate.  Therefore, transform to a male and become stronger than the competition.  Sorry, that's how I see it.  At the end of the day, I believe in the God created physical body which we all have been presented with.  The scriptures tell us that the Father created us in His image {Genesis 1:27}.  Scores of Christians have accepted the fact that they, resemble the Father.  I remember standing in front of a mirror and pondering this thought, 'God, do I really look like you?'  Of course, I was thinking of it in the wrong way.  What we see daily as our "Image" is simply our flesh covering.  Our true image resides within us, as our spirit.  THIS is the image of the Father in which we were created.  Jesus spoke to the spirit image of the Father in  Johns account {John 4:24}.  While I don't believe that someone who alters the flesh of the body has done nothing to change who they truly are, I do believe that messing with what the Father has created can never lead to anything good.  Then again, if you do not possess a heart that knows the name of the Lord who created you, then you more than likely have a altered idea of who you are.  Like I said, if it ain't broken, don't fix it.  

Or are you not aware that your body is a temple of the holy spirit in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?  For you are bought with a price.  By all means glorify God in your body.

Paul To The Corinthians 1: 19-20, Concordant New Testament 

The apostle Paul speaks more than a few times of the reality of our true spirit identity.  He refers to our physical body as a temple to the holy spirit in us {Paul To The Corinthians 1:19}.  He takes this a step further by confirming that it is Christ Jesus who lives within this flesh body of ours {Paul To The Galatians 2:20}.  That being said, when we attempt to alter ourselves by altering our flesh body, what are we really accomplishing?  In the end, we are altering the temple of the Lord within us, but our one true identity has not changed at all.  This is the time of year when far too many people stand in front of that mirror and do not like what they see.  They see a flesh body which does not mee their expectations.  So, they "Resolve" in the new year to change that.  I've seen it far too many times.  In fact, I was one of those New Years resolution gym goers who managed to stick with it over time.  I was someone who did not like what I saw in the mirror.  Of course, that image I saw, or thought I saw, translated to a lower image of myself.  So, I can definitely relate to someone in those same circumstances.  I didn't fully realize it at the time, but the flesh image I saw in the mirror was not who I truly was.  It did not define me.  What defines me is Christ Jesus who I walk as each day.  THAT is who I am.  So, why would I want to mess with that?  Why in the world would we not be satisfied with His image?  If you ask me, far too many people have been listening to too many of the wrong voices for far too long.  The only voice we need be concerned with is that of Christ Jesus in us.  


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