Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Court Of Personal Opinion


Wherefore, defenseless are you, O man!  everyone who is judging, for in what you are judging another, you are condemning yourself, for you who are judging are committing the same things.  Now we are aware that the judgement of God is according to truth against those who are committing such things.  Yet you are reckoning on this, O man, who are judging those committing such things, and art doing the same, that you will be escaping the judgement of God? 

Paul To The Romans 2: 1-3, Concordant New Testament 

We've all been there at one time or another.  Myself included.  A moment where we see in the actions of others something which is all too wrong.  I work with a young man who for the life of him cannot keep silent when he sees some injustice in the workplace.  I get it.  We see something going on which we know to be wrong and we want it rectified NOW!  Well, the trouble with that is that the world rarely works that way.  Life does not work that way.  Throughout our lives we will constantly be exposed to those who either ignore the rules or, knowing the rules, simply do things their own way.  One cannot go through life without experiencing such things.  As for my coworker, I have tried on numerous occasions to reign him in when he starts to become vocal about whatever injustice he sees in the workplace.  All to no avail.  I fear that eventually what will make him change his behavior is a direct reprimand from management.  Which is a shame, because he is a good person.  His flaw is one which many of us have exhibited ourselves.  That things should go the way we think that they should.  Well, good luck with that.  From experience I have come to realize that it is far better to trust in the Lord for such things.  I haven't shared  that advice with my coworker as of yet, but he knows where I stand in regards to my faith.  I believe that there is a reason for which Jesus spoke that we are not to judge those around us {Matthews Account 7:1-5}.  As Jesus tells us, 'Do not judge, lest you be judged.'  The apostle Paul was more direct, claiming that we who judge others are ourselves committing the same offenses {Paul To The Romans 2:2}.  Often we are blind to offenses which we ourselves may be committing.  But rest assured, they're there.  I believe that another reason for Jesus telling us not to judge others is to give the Father His proper respect.  For if we are believers, we know in our hearts that it is Christ who judges {Johns Account 5:22}.  We know that everything was created through Christ Jesus {Johns Account 1:3}.  If there is anyone to be judged, and even that is questionable, it is Christ who retains that responsibility.  

Do not judge, lest you may be judged, for with what judgement you are judging, shall you be judged, and with what measure you are measuring, shall it be measured to you. 

Matthews Account 7: 1-2, Concordant New Testament 

Funny thing, I have yet another coworker who lives in fear of being judged.  Judged not from those around him, but from the Father.  Steeped deeply in the Eastern Orthodox religion, he fears the punishment for sin which we see throughout the old testament.  Despite the fact that Christ Jesus has already paid that price for our sins at the cross, he continues to live in fear over the sins he might engage in.  However, Paul tells us clearly that Jesus paid that price in full already {Paul To The Romans 6:10}.  Do you live in fear of Gods impending judgement as my coworker does?  If so, rest assured that it has already been provided for.  It's covered.  It is Christ who Himself became sin on our behalf {Paul To The Corinthians 5:21}.  So it is that even though Christ Jesus has the power to judge, we need not fear a future judgement.  Christ has already provided for that.  So, knowing that we need not fear future judgement over sin, why is it that we usurp the authority of Jesus and condemn those around us?  What authority has Christ given us that we should condemn others?  The way I see it, the only one who has been given the outright authority to condemn is Jesus.  If Jesus refuses to condemn those around us, why do we?  


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