Friday, May 3, 2024

From The Ashes


Now we know that God is working all together for the good of those who are loving God, who are called according to the purpose. 

Paul To The Romans 8: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Thinking of yesterdays post, I was pondering if it is indeed easier to see God in our troubles than to see how it is that He is working good in these situations.  Knowing that God is all in all might be an easier pill to swallow than seeing good in tragedy?  Perhaps, but I'm beginning to understand that they go hand in hand.  To understand that the Father is all in all is to know that His love nature {First Epistle Of John 4:8} prompts Him to bring about good in the lives of those who know Him.  Still, far too many believers and non believers alike continue to wonder out loud how it is that God could allow tragedy in the world.  But what others see as tragedy I see as simply another opportunity for the Lord to work in someone's life.  Through the death of my mother, I have come to know and understand Him better.  I'd say that is God working for the good.  When we look at the tragedies in life, we often only see things from our earthly perspective.  Unless our prayer is for the Fathers revealing of His intentions, we cannot know what is really going on behind the scenes.  Indeed, the scriptures proclaim that the ways of the Lord are not our ways {Isaiah 55:8-9, Paul To The Corinthians (1) 2:15-16}.  Therefore, if indeed we intend to know what the Father is up to, we should indeed make it known to Him through prayer.  A few years ago, while going through a trying time in my life, a dear brother posed to me the question.  What is it that God is doing through all of this?  Amen!  This is a question seldom asked and a prayer not often spoken.  Why wouldn't we want to know what the Lord is doing through us?  If indeed we are in union with He and Jesus, there is no doubt that the Father is working in each and every part of our lives {Johns Account 14:20}.  When I began to see the Father in this way it gave me a better perspective on those trying times in my life.  

Knowing this first, that no prophesy of scripture at all is becoming its own explanation.  For not by the will of man was prophesy carried on at anytime, but, being carried on by the holy spirit, holy men of God speak. 

Peter To The Dispersion (2) 1: 20-21, Concordant New Testament 

Listen to church sermons long enough and you will undoubtedly hear some pulpit pounder speak of the difficult "seasons" of life.  The author of Ecclesiastes spoke that there is indeed a time for every purpose under heaven {Ecclesiastes 1:1}.  So poignant was this message, it seems, that the Byrds turned it into a classic rock tune.  Yes, into every life a little rain must fall.  Yet I would interpret this scripture to mean that there is a time for each and every one of Gods purposes in our life.  What is His purpose for our life in the rough times?  We can know the answer, if we just ask Him.  In His own way, the Lord will open our eyes to what it is He is accomplishing through us.  Knowing this may just help us look upon those difficult times in our lives a bit differently.  Consider the alternative.  Not knowing that the Lord has a purpose for us in these difficult times can and usually does lead to more stress than we care to handle.  At least it did for me.  Knowing that God has a purpose to work all things for the good for those who know Him can indeed be a life changing revelation.  Our prayer should not be why are you doing this, Lord?  Knowing that He is working His purpose, we can be assured that He is working good through us. 


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