Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mirror Images


So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them. 

Genesis 1: 27, Concordant Old Testament 

When I watch the news these days, it's never to see what's been happening.  No, I watch the news occasionally to see how far we've gone over the edge.  The other night was no different.  While watching a national news broadcast I saw a story on a group of college protestors demanding that the world saw them for who they were.  That is, seeing them for their appropriate gender and/or identity.  Apparently the reporter had made the mistake of referring to a female agitator as "Ma'am."  Of course, this elicited the typical outraged reaction we've seen from those who feel different than they really are.  Now, for those who have read this page before, my aim is to see things from my perspective of being a believer in Christ Jesus.  Therefore, when I hear that someone has somehow come to see themselves as totally different than the one which the Lord created, you just know that I'm going to question that belief.  As with most issues with our identity, this one has its roots in the lie which Satan spoke to Adam and Eve in the garden.  It is the deceiver who proclaimed that if Eve took and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that her "Eyes would become unclosed, and you will become like Elohim, knowing good and evil {Genesis 3:5-6, Concordant Old Testament}.  That is, they would be like God.  Who wouldn't take that deal?  But, what Adam and Eve failed to account for is that they ALREADY were like God.  Indeed, the first couple had the spirit of the Lord already in them.  It is God who breathed into Adam the breath of life and his spirit became living flesh {Genesis 2:7}.  It is God who took from Adam to create Eve {Genesis 2:21-22}.  Make no mistake, we are Gods creation.  He has always been an intimate part of each of us from the beginning.  Yet somehow, Adam and Eve were deceived into believing that they were separated from the Lord.  This thinking on their part is part of a larger conversation.  So it is that this creation has come to believe that we are indeed our own separate individuals.  Of course, believing that something is true does not exactly make it that way.  

There is no independent, self-operating self in the universe, except for the One who calls Himself the I AM {Exodus 3:14} and says, "I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside Me" {Isaiah 45:5}

No Independent Self, Norman Grubb

The words of the writer Norman Grubb are pretty difficult to argue with, for they are based on the truth of the scripture.  There is NO independent, self-operating self in the universe, but for God.  Of course, this fly's directly in the face of each and every wanna be he/she/what or them out there.  In the eyes of the Lord, this is a false identity.  Of course, I see far too few Christian leaders speaking out on the existence of these false identities and trendy pronouns.  For to do so would bring forth the wrath of the modern cult culture.  But my loyalties do not lie with appeasing the masses or filling pews on Sundays.  I call it for what it is...the lies of the devil.  I do not believe that you're a woman in a mans body or vice versa.  What you are is confused about your one true identity.  You've bought into the lie of the deceiver hook line and sinker.  When I look in the mirror, I see the One Whom I live in union with, Christ Jesus.  Now, people will throw all sorts of insults and accusations my way, but that's par for the course when we challenge the pop culture beliefs.  My task is not to argue my point of view, but to pray that their eyes would be opened.  In the end, this situation belongs to the Lord.  One can never doubt that the Lord brings those He has chosen to Christ {Johns Account 10:29}.  In the end, it is through Christ that all will be saved {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  


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