Monday, May 13, 2024

The Lords Chosen


"And I am giving them life eonian, and they should by no means be perishing for the eon, and no one shall be snatching them out of My hand.  My Father, Who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to be snatching them out of My Fathers hand."

Johns Account 10: 28-29, Concordant New Testament 

One of my favorite streaming shows is the Chosen series which depicts the life of Jesus and His disciples during His ministry.  It is really profound to see the events depicted in New Testament scripture being brought to life in such a way.  What I also like about this production is that is keeps pretty close to the scriptures as far as events and timelines go.  I definitely recommend it for anyone interested in knowing about the life of Jesus.  The title for this series borrows from the fact that it is Jesus who personally chose the men who would follow Him.  They were His chosen.  But I am reminded of another fact from the scriptures, that we ourselves are Gods chosen.  The apostle John proclaims this is his scripture, that we are indeed given to Christ by the Father {Johns Account 10:29}.  We know that no one comes to the Father except through Christ, but it is the Father who delivers us to Him {Johns Account 14:6}.  There are many in Christianity today who will argue that God does not choose us beforehand, but that we need to somehow "Work" our way into our own salvation.  This, of course, is simply a wrong interpretation of the scriptures.  The apostle Paul assures us of this in Ephesians.  That salvation is the gift of the Lord and not of our own works {Paul to the Ephesians 2:8-9}.  Paul was aware, as I am, that if we were to succeed in claiming our own salvation by our own efforts, that it wouldn't be long before mankind declared with pride that he himself is responsible for his own salvation.  Can you imagine hundreds of pulpit pounders declaring from the pulpits that they themselves bring about Gods salvation?  Soon the importance would shift from the Father to man himself.  I'm sorry, but I like things just the way they are.  That God, Who loved us first, by His love and mercy would dispatch His Son to become sin in our place {Paul to the Corinthians(2) 5:21}.  There is absolutely nothing I have done which warrants my salvation, for I have been chosen.  

According as He chooses us in Him before the disruption of the world, we to be holy and flawless in His sight, in love designating us beforehand for the place of a son for Him through Christ Jesus; in accord with the delight of His will. 

Paul to the Ephesians 1: 4-5, Concordant New Testament 

The reason that I will not hear that I have been chosen by God coming from the mainstream church is that the church itself is based on a incorrect theology where our efforts are necessary to gain favor with God.  To work out ones salvation has been a teaching of the church for many years.  We're told that we need to, "Make ourselves right with God."  This is ridiculous thinking.  It is God who loved us from the beginning and it is God Who has chosen us to be in Him.  The other night I listened to a local Christian radio broadcast and I was surprised at the teaching coming from it.  The pastor encouraged those listening to seek the Lords forgiveness and that those who do not were on a, "Fast track to hell."  Well, first off, what is it that I am needing to seek the Lords forgiveness for?  Has not Christ Jesus defeated sin at the cross {Paul to the Romans 6:10-11}.  And who is it that condemns us?  Is it God Who, having provided for our salvation, now points the finger of blame at those who are in Christ?  No, for as Paul proclaims, there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus {Paul to the Romans 8:1}.  IMHO, there is absolutely no scriptural evidence that God now seeks to condemn us.  However, who DOES seek to condemn those who are in Christ are those in the institutional church.  Why else would they proclaim that if we do not seek forgiveness from God that are going to hell?  I feel that if I were to inquire of the Father for His forgiveness that I would get a simple answer...forgiveness for what?  Indeed, Christ gave Himself that I would be forgiven.  God chose me that I would remain in Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  


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