Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Fathers Wish

 Perceive what manner of love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God!  And we are!  Therefore the world does not know us, for it did not know Him. 

First Epistle of John 3: 1, Concordant New Testament 

The more that I think of it, I sometimes feel as if I got short changed somehow.  Having grown up without a father in my life, I did not experience the kind of growth and experiences which others who have had relationships with their earthly fathers have.  In fact, I did not learn until later in life that my own father regretted the decisions which he had made early in life.  Water under the bridge so they say.  I'm not knocking the fact that I grew up in a single parent home, for that in itself helped make me who it is that I am.  My mothers greatest desire was that her youngest child would live his life knowing the Lord.  That I have done.  But every now and then I think of what could have been.  What path would my life had taken had I had children of my own?  Well, I definitely would have wanted my own children to know their father.  That goes without saying.  Yet whenever my thoughts turn to my own parents and the circumstances of my life, I am reminded of how it is that my One true Father wants to be remembered.  Indeed, the greatest desire of the Lord God is that His children, His creation in His likeness, would come to know Him.  Isn't that the wish of every father?  That his children would know him?  Why would it be any less with our true Father?  I recall some in my church days who would often take to referring to God as daddy.  This personal homage to the Lord confused me at times, especially when I was told that His name is above all names.  Is it good that I refer to Him as daddy?  Absolutely!  He is my daddy!  He is my Father.  He is my One and Only.  It took me awhile, but I came to realize that those around me were bestowing upon the Lord their endearment to Him in a way.  In the same way that we would show our love and affection to our human parents, we in the same way show our affection to God the Father in some of the only ways we know.  Often, our affections for Him are very emotional.  I feel that this is what the Father desires above all.  All too often, our brick and mortar churches have taken to elaborate celebration services which they claim is a celebration to the Lord, but is it?  Are these fancy gatherings the best which we can offer to Him?  Or, is our affection from our own heart what He is looking for?  

"But coming is the hour, and now is, when the true worshippers will be worshipping the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is also seeking such to be worshipping Him.  God is spirit, and those who are worshipping Him must be worshipping in spirit and truth."

Johns Account 4: 23-24, Concordant New Testament 

One of my favorite scenes of The Chosen series finds Jesus journeying into Samaria to encounter a Samaritan woman beside a well.  Now, anyone who knows their history may know of the discord between Samaritans and those of the Jewish faith.  Think of the Hatfield and McCoy feud on steroids.  This is where Jesus, raised a Jew, finds Himself on this day.  In intimate conversation with a Samaritan woman.  It was never the intent of Jesus to bring judgement or correction to this heathen Samaritan, but to return her to the Father from which she came.   How much must the Father have wanted this woman to come to know Him as her true Father?  For His part, Jesus speaks to her that it's not about the biggest temple or the place of worship, only about the heart of the believer {Johns Account 4:23-24}.  Imagine the liberation to someone who has been raised among religious divisions that God truly desires to know them as His own.  In this instance, the Samaritan woman ran from that well proclaiming the wonders of Jesus.  How many of the Lords children walk lost in this world not knowing their One true Father?  How is it that He will become known to them?  Through those that know Him {Matthews Account 5:14-16}.  For who better to share the desire of the Father than those who have known Him? 


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