Saturday, July 27, 2024

False Image


You walked flawless in your ways from the day of your creation, until iniquity was found in you.

Ezekiel 28: 15, Concordant Old testament 

You've heard it said that many in Christianity have followed a false narrative that they are in some way separated from God.  This, of course, is the lie spoken by the serpent in the Garden of Eden.  But what was it that made the lie of Satan so convincing that the Lords creation would fall for it hook line and sinker?  What if it wasn't what he said, but who it was that said it?  What if Adam and Eve were so enamored by the appearance of the deceiver that they instantly thought that he must be the image of the creator?  Am I off my rocker?  Maybe, but if we delve deeper into the history of the so called deceiver we get a better picture of him.  The prophet Ezekiel proclaims that Lucifer "Walked flawless in your ways."  We can assume that Lucifer was indeed of beauty and wisdom.  The scriptures tell us that Eve was approached in the garden by "The serpent" {Genesis 3:1}.  But what if the deceiver approached the Lords creation as an image of beauty and not a snake?  I find this to be entirely possible.  After all, the fallen Lucifer is known as the "Deceiver."  So, this image of a creation of beauty approaches Eve and inquires if the Lord has indeed said that they should not eat of every tree of the garden.  Standing before Eve was the absolute false image of God.  But how was Eve to know this?  To Eve, this image of beauty was the image of the creator Himself.  So it is that when Satan speaks the lie unto Eve that "Not to die shall you be dying" {Genesis 3:4}, Eve took of the forbidden fruit.  Not only that, she also gave unto Adam and he partook of the fruit as well.  Adam and Eve had fallen for the false image of God.  This is not at all surprising, as Satan has continually sought his own glory.  Keep in mind, at no point were Adam and Eve separated from the God, they simply had a false image of who He is.  This is the lie which continues to infect not only the mainstream church, but far too many believers as well.  The lie that we can somehow "Become like Elohim, knowing good and evil" {Genesis 3:5}.  

There is no independent, self-operating self in the universe, except the One who calls Himself the I AM {Exodus 3:14} and says, "I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside Me{Isaiah 45:5}. 

No Independent Self ~ Norman Grubb 

Over time, the idea that we as humans live separate from our creator has taken hold.  We live and think for ourselves as if God has no place in our lives.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.  The false image of the Lord God insists that we are our own individuals.  The truth of our creation speaks to something else entirely.  For it is the Father who has created us in His image {Genesis 1:27}.  It is also the Father who has breathed into our creation the breath of life, creating a living soul {Genesis 2:7}.  The only thing the deceiver has ever created is discontent.  In fact, Lucifer Himself is a being created in beauty by the Father.  The problem is, he allowed his beauty to influence who he was.  He allowed his importance to influence his own view of himself.  It is Lucifer who declared that he himself would be like God {Isaiah 14:14}.  For this Lucifer was cast down, but that wasn't the end of his ambitions.  For he continues today to convince the Lords creation of the lie which he spoke unto Adam and Eve.  That they are indeed separated from the Father.  Sadly, the mainstream church has fallen for the deception.  We're told that we can "Be like" Jesus.  Yet, Jesus Himself speaks of our union in He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Our choice is simple, we can choose the one true God, our heavenly Father.  Or, we can choose to accept the false image of the Father presented to us by the deceiver.


*With special thanks to my dear friend Dennis Deardorff and his book 'Knowing Jesus ~ Discovering how Jesus lives as me'* 

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