Saturday, July 20, 2024

Divine Politics


The Lord will be rescuing me from every wicked work and will be saving me for His celestial kingdom: To Whom be the glory for the eons of the eons. Amen! 

Paul to Timothy (2) 4: 18, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up, my mother would relate to me the story of what she was doing the moment that she heard that our nations 35th president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963.  She had been folding clothes that November day when the news was broadcast over the radio of the presidents death.  My mother, like so many Americans, was deeply saddened and shocked by these events.  This past week, our nation was once again witness to politically motivated violence turned deadly.  The nations 45th president, and the obvious front runner for being the 47th president of this country, was wounded by a would be shooters bullet while campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Once again, the nation reacted with shock that the events of November 1963 could once again repeat themselves.  However, I've noticed something different about the reaction to these tragic events.  That being that people are once again talking about God.  For his part, Donald Trump has credited the Lord for his surviving the shooters bullets.  Anyone who has followed him knows that Trump has not been shy to speak of his faith in God.  Yet one of the amazing consequences of these events is that even some of the most liberal, Christian bashing networks have also began speaking of Gods hand in the events in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Can we assume that the Lord has orchestrated these events in order that His children would once again turn to Him?  I would not dispute that for a minute.  For I believe that Gods greatest desire is that His children would come to know Him.  As a result of the events of this past week, I am beginning to see God in our conversations once again.  

And I am giving them life eonian, and they should by no means be perishing for the eon, and no one shall be snatching them out of My hand. 

Johns Account 10: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Christians have all too often tossed around phrases such as divine intervention and divine protection in reference to the Lords work all around us.  The Old Testament scriptures speak to us of His protection {Psalm 118:6}.  In my heart, I know that Donald J Trump was not meant to die on that podium in Pennsylvania.  I also believe that the Lord has plans to use him for His purpose.  Just as the Father uses events in my own life for His purpose as well.  But how do you explain this to someone who for one reason or another is not a supporter of Trump?  Believe me, there are many who do not agree with him.  Many have referred to his assassination attempt as a staged political event.  If that be the case, I'm sure he would not have volunteered.  As I said, I believe that the Father has used the events of this past week to once again turn the eyes of His children unto Him.  Of course, there will be those who will not heed this call, but I have seen many who you would never expect to come to the Lord to began to openly speak of Him.  For this I am thankful.  The events in Butler, Pennsylvania while tragic, have opened the door once again for the Fathers children to come to know Him.  For it is only the Father who could orchestrate such good out of the darkness of human hatred.  


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