Thursday, July 4, 2024

I'm Free!

 For freedom Christ frees us!  Stand firm, then, and be not again enthralled with the yoke of slavery.

Paul to the Galatians 5: 1, Concordant New Testament 

Today is the day where millions of Americans will gather to celebrate their freedom.  Or, at the very least, that perception of freedom.  Today freedom consists of backyard barbeques and evening fireworks.  But I know a different kind of freedom.  One which is not celebrated as much as it should be.  This is my freedom in Christ Jesus.  The apostle Paul, who himself was set free on that road to Damascus, proclaims that it is indeed Jesus who has freed us {Paul to the Galatians 5:1}.  Yet saying that Christ has freed us is one thing, but what does it mean?  Well, what is it that you would consider your biggest barrier between yourself and God?  Now, I would suggest that there is no barrier between us, but many well meaning believers think otherwise.  For many Christians, the belief that their sin stands between them and God is an ever present concern.  Therefore, they offer up prayers to God many times each and every day seeking His forgiveness for the trespasses they believe they have committed.  I have a friend, entrenched in the Eastern Orthodox religious system, who constantly worries if he will be forgiven the acts which he feels are keeping him from God.  The little white lies, the impure thoughts and such.  I can honestly say that I've been in his shoes.  Being raised in the mainstream Christian church system, I was constantly made aware that my sin was ever before me.  That even after accepting Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior, that I was simply a sinner saved by grace.  My friends, THAT is not freedom.  It is being enslaved to something which we have been freed from.  Freedom in Christ means that my sin is no longer looming before me, keeping me from the presence of the Lord.  In Christ, I'm free!  Paul proclaims to us in Romans that we be recking ourselves to be "Dead, indeed, to sin" {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  For it is Jesus who Himself became sin on our behalf {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  If you are a believer, take heed of these scriptures!  Paul also tells us that Jesus gave Himself one time for all humanity {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Paul's words we find in Romans are some of the most powerful ever spoken that we no longer need to be concerned over sin.  That debt has been paid on the cross by Jesus.  

Nothing, consequently, is now condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  Not according to the flesh are they walking, but according to spirit, for the spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus frees you from the law of sin and death. 

Paul to the Romans 8: 1-2, Concordant New Testament 

When I was concerned over how God looked upon my sin, I suffered from something else.  That being my own guilt and shame.  For guilt and shame go hand in hand with sin.  Again, this IS NOT freedom in Jesus.  When I was all too aware of my sin and how God looked upon me, I lived as a slave to my own belief.  I was bound to it.  Again, the words of Paul assure us that the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross means that we are "By no means to be still slaving for sin" {Paul to the Romans 6:6}.  We no longer need to be living in the guilt and shame of what we believe to be our sin, because Christ has already taken care of that.  Think about this, if you were to come before the Lord God and ask Him to forgive your sin which you were so certain you still carried with you, you might just be surprised by His response to your request.  That being, what sin?  See, in Gods eyes, the sin which may believe we are still bound to, has already been dealt with.  That means all sin, past, present and future.  Remember, Jesus died to sin ONCE for all time.  He didn't miss anything!  To realize your life in union with Christ and the Father is to realize our freedom in Christ Jesus {Johns Account 14:20}.  There is no longer any sin which gets in the way of our union with Him.  This is freedom in Christ to me, that we no longer suffer bondage to sin and live in confidence free from guilt and shame.  We live as Jesus.  

Jesus, then, said to the Jews who have believed in Him, "If ever you should be remaining in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will be making you free."

Johns Account 8: 31-32, Concordant New Testament 


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