Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Fever

"Kill your local Trump Supporter!"
Graffiti seen in downtown Portland

Unless you're from another planet, you probably missed that rambunctious events that overtaken our nation this week.  For after a long and heated political season, we at last have chosen our nations next president elect.  Or did we?  Well, in my mind we have.  However, in the minds of a few disgruntled others, it is as if that result never hapened.  I will take no shame in the confession that I voted for Donald J Trump, for it is my belief that these past eight years have not only brought our nation further apart, but to a dangerous precipace.  In my lifetime, I have never seen my country so divided among our population.  Does it matter that I did not vote for our nations first african american president?  No.  Yet, this makes me a racist in the eyes of some.  Despite the fact that I did not cast my vote for Barak Obama, I respected the institution of the office of the president enough that I did not cry like a baby and make the outlandish claim that he was "Not my president."  This does not mean that I agreed with his policies, but there is a huge difference between disagreement and outright hatred of a man.  Hatred is what I have seen from most democrats this week after the election.  I call it trump fever.  Yes, Donald trump has said some pretty outlandish things, but we cannot disqualify him by this alone.  If this were the case, then the thought police could also prosecute president Obama for saying that Trump was backed by the KKK.  Of course, it is a well known fact that one of Hillary Clintons most admired people is senator Robert Byrd, a former klan member himself.  To attempt to understand the hypocracy of liberal democrats is enough to make ones head spin.  They preach peace, love and tolerance...until they don't don't get their way.  Then Trump fever stes in.
As I write this post, there is word of yet another night of anti Trump protests here in Portland.  Like a bunch of spoiled, coddled kids, they rant and rave because they didn't get their way.  They chant that Trump is "Not their president!"  Hey liberals, I never felt that Obama was my president, but that didn't change the reality that he was.  Here'some truth to chew on...YOU LOST, now get over it!  Regroup, start planning to win the next election.  Quit your crying and whining that you are oooh so hurt because one man won a election.  I am offended that a minority of people, and make no mistake they are a minority, have claimed that their vote is more important than mine.  I was born an American, my right to vote is guaranteed by the constitution a is yours.  To claim that your vote is somehow more important to someone elses is a slap in the face to your fellow citizens.  Yet this is the hypocracy of the liberals of today.  The system works just fine, until they don't get the results they want.  Then somehow the system is rigged and the rest of us must be rascists and intolerant.  Yet, if these blowhards were as tolerant as they preach, they would accept the results of this election and get over it.  But they won't.
There was a moment on television last night as I watched coverage of the riot in downtown Portland.  A woman, trying to get out of downtown as she had a emergency situation, attempted to drive past the crowd of lawless malcontents that had taken over the streets.  Suddenly, a hooded idiot swung a bat at this womans windshield and smashed it with her in the car.  Seriously, if this were my wife/daughter, that young worthless punk would not get away without a trip to the local hospital.  Perhpas some reconstructive surgery would even be charged to his obamacare bill.  If I sound angry, it's because I am, as well as many here in Portland.  Thank goodness Trump Fever isn't spreading.


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