Saturday, March 23, 2019

The God I Didn't Know

8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,”says the LORD. 9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55: 8-9 NKJV

I don't confess to know all there is to know about christianity.  I'm more of a follower than anything.  My own faith and trust in God have assured me that He is indeed real.  I realize that God is more than just writing on the pages of some dusty book.  Yes, God is a very real part of my everyday life {Galations 2:20}.  Yes, God is real to me.  However, there are those out there who refuse to accept that such a loving and merciful God could rule over such a broken world as ours.  I recently became upset with a friend who at one time had promised to do something, yet when the time came he was nowhere to be seen.  Now, I know that I was mad aat my friend, and I let him know it.  I exhibited all of the classic behaviors of one who had been slighted.  I didn't speak to him for awhile and just refused to deal with him...all because of a petty disagreement.  The thing is, I trusted him to do what he said he would do, and when that didn't happen I got upset.  Well, it turns out that my friend had a good reason for not following through on what he said he would do.  In hindsight, if he had done what he said he would it would have brought trouble for the both of us.  I had become upset, not knowing the whole story of the situation.  I thought to myself this week, isn't this just what we do with God at times in our own lives?  Sure it is.  We trust God to provide for us.  We place our own, fragile faith in Him to heal us when we're sick or hurting.  What happens when what we've asked from God doesn't come to pass?  Don't we blame and question Gods motives?  I know that I have.  In my darkest point after my mother passed away, I remember screaming at God that I would never trust Him again.  I know that's a frightening statement, but that's how I felt.  After all, I had lifted my mom in prayer for her healing for a long time.  I had asked others to lift up prayers for her healing as well.  Didn't God care?  Well, from my me centered perspective He didn't.  However, in the big scheme of things He was gently doing what He has always done.  From my own perspective, my mothers healing was something that consumed me.  On the other hand, God was intent upon relieving her pain and suffering which she was feeling.  Yes, I knew she was hurting, but all I wanted was my mom to stay with us.  My own selfishness blinded me to what my loving God was accomplishing.

 9Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!” 10But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Job 1: 9 - 10 NKJV

How many times have we questioned Gods intentions?  I have plenty of times.  Why not, haven't we trusted God to do what it is He claimed He would do?  Aren't we justified in our feelings that God has somehow forgotten our requests?  I used to think so.  However, in the midst of these thoughts I was usually lost in my own situation.  Through my own emotions, I wasn't seeing the thoughts and intentions of my Lord all that clearly.  Yet, I'm sure that He understood.  After all, He created me in His own image {Genesis 2:7}.  Therefore, I can confidently say that all that God is...I am as well.  This isn't some bible story, but the truth of Christ Jesus in us.  We are His cherished and loved creation.  Do we feel even for a minute that God would turn His back on us?  Our heavenly Father who has promised to never leave nor forsake us.  Are we to believe that He would go back on His word?  Well, I don't believe that for a second.  A good friend of mine reminded me of the truth some time ago as I was going through a tough time.  As I asked Him why God would allow me to endure such tough times, he asked me a better question.  What is it that God was doing through me?  It's not hard to lose our perspective when the troubles of life come knocking on our door.  One thing was can always bank on is that God will never lose His.  His main love and concern will always be His most loved creation.  When we take time to see through the fog of our own emotions we will most certainly hear His loving voice in our heart.


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