Friday, May 7, 2021

Fear Not


"Named must your fear be before banish it you can"


What is the basis of your fear?  What is it that makes you stop in your tracks unable to function?  I've had a few notable fears in my lifetime, one of them being a overwhelming fear of heights.  This came to a head on a few hiking trips taken with my friend Dennis.  I can recall our trip up the Angels rest trail in the Columbia River gorge a few summers ago where it was all Dennis could do to coax his buddy up that steep trail.  Believe me, my mind ran through all of the things that day that could kill me on that trail.  Yet, with Dennis' coaching, I persevered and conquered my fear...for that day at least.  One of the moments I recall from that day was a photo I snapped as we rested at the summit of Angels Rest.  There I was in the midst of my accomplishment trying to look as if I did this every day without any issues.  Then there was Dennis, casually taking a phone call.  No fear!  One of the other fears which has paralyzed me from time to time is my social fear of speaking to new people.  However, I feel as if I have that one licked as I have improved in that area.  When I talk to others about the fears they face I'm often interested in what the nitty gritty, bargain basement issues are that lead them to their fears.  Now, a lot of people can claim to have a fear of heights, but for me it went deeper than simply places on high.  In a nutshell, I was afraid of not having control of my surroundings.  My social interaction disorder?  Well, that stemmed from a fear of rejection.  So, what are the issues that many people have that lead to fear?  I have a coworker who is afraid of being in tight enclosed spaces.  This stems from his being locked in a closet by his parents as a punishment when he was young.  Yet another issue which manifested itself into fear.  I'm no  psychiatrist, nor do I play one on TV, but even I can recognize that many of the fears we carry often harbor deeper issues.  One thing that I mentioned to my coworker is that it was never the Lords intent to leave us in fear.  It was never His intention to leave us with such a sense of fear that we lose sight of Him.  Scripture tells us time and again...fear not!  

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 

1 John 4: 18 NKJV 

Do you believe that God desires you to be in torment?  No?  Then why are you afraid?  The scriptures are clear, we're not to be anxious {Philippians 4:6}.  We're not given up to a spirit of fear {2 Timothy 1:7}.  Even Jesus, in His sermon on the mount, warned us of the dangers of anxiety {Matthew 6:25-34}.  Why would Jesus take such a hard stand on fear and anxiety?  Well, for one, our fears take our focus from Him to what we are in fear of.  As I walked that Angels Rest trail that day, I certainly wasn't thinking of God and His protection when I saw those steep cliffs!  Yes, my own fears distracted me.  Yet, I believe that the biggest reason that Jesus warns us not to be anxious is for our own health.  Who hasn't felt their stomach churn and their blood pressure rise as they gave in to their anxiety?  Obviously, this isn't the way which Jesus wanted us to live.  These things we often worry about (money, food, clothing), cannot add a single hour to our life {Matthew 6:25}.  We also do well to remember that God knows well our needs even before we began to worry over them {Matthew 6:32}.  So, do you still feel ok stressing and worrying over things that God already knows that you need?  Well, if it works for you more power to you.  As for me, the less time that I can spend without a nervous breakdown is a good thing.  In the end, it is the Lords job to provide for me and mine to realize that provision.  After all, fear isn't our natural state.  Fear not! 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 

2 Timothy 1: 7 NKJV 


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