Sunday, November 13, 2022

Last One Out Turn Out The Lights


How, then, should they be invoking One in whom they do not believe?  Yet how should they be believing One of whom they do not hear?  Yet how should they be hearing apart from one heralding?  Yet how should they be heralding if ever they should not be commissioned?  According as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those bringing an evangel of good!  

Romans 10: 14-14, Concordant New Testament 

How would you have learned of something if someone had not first informed you?  Indeed, many Christians have come to the faith through the preaching and leading of others.  This is indeed why ministries are so very important.  Correctly accomplished, they spread the gospel of the Lord wherever those who are speaking it go.  I have been involved in a few ministry opportunities, and I have always been amazed at how eager some people are to hear the word of the Lord.  Yet, I could not speak of the word of the Lord had I not first heard it for myself all those years ago.  A good friend of mine has been speaking the gospel of Christ most of his life.  His credentials include time spent in seminary and many years in the pulpit.  He knows of what he speaks.  It is through his leadership that I myself came to the knowing of the truth of Christ in me.  But where would I have been without his words to guide me?  Granted, I am positive that the Lord used him to speak the gospel of Jesus into me as well as others.  I am fortunate for his leading.  Yet what of those who have not been as fortunate?  Who will tell them of the truth of Christ?  Sadly, I speak of my knowing Christ in me, but in mainstream Christianity those who speak to this are few and far between.  Instead, we all too often hear the theology connected to the modern mainstream church.  These are the teachings that I grew up with in a Christian home.  Through the years I listened to the man in the pulpit speak to me about God.  How God created me {Genesis 1:27}.  How He dispatched His only Son to die for me on the cross {John 3:16}.  How Jesus, after His death on the cross, rose again {Luke 24:5}.  Finally, how Jesus ascended unto the Father in heaven {Acts 1:9}.  However, as far as the story of Jesus goes, this is where the road ends according to Christian theology.  It is Jesus who now sits in heaven at the Fathers side.  This was the Jesus that was spoken to me.  This was the Jesus I knew.  

This is the stone that is being scorned by you builders, which is becoming the head of the corner.  And there is no salvation in any other one, for neither is there any other name, given under heaven by men, in which we must be saved. 

Acts 4: 11-12, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up, I remember sitting in front of the TV with my mom watching various Billy Graham crusades.  Now, the reverend Graham was indeed a wonderful speaker of the gospel.  Evidence of this is seen near the end of each and every gathering he spoke at.  For at the end of each and every broadcast, reverend Graham would invite all who wished to give their lives to the Lord to come forward.  I was always amazed at the crowds of people who willingly walked forward to accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.  My mother would often pray over those who walked forward.  As I thought about this writing this week one thought kept popping up.  What if Billy Graham had somehow chosen a different career path?  We can say all we want about fate and destiny, but was it the reverend Grahams ultimate decision to speak the Lord to millions of people, or was it the Lords leading him to do so?  I have listened to my friend speak of a "deeper desire" when he talks about his early pre-seminary days.  I believe that this was the Lords leading for him.  So, if indeed Billy Graham had never once spoke in public about the gospel of Jesus, what would have become of all those he helped lead to the Lord?  Would they somehow have been held guilty of never knowing Jesus?  The scripture is clear, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Nobody comes to the Father but through Him {John 14:6}.  Yet what of those who seemingly never knew or heard of Him?  Are they doomed to a future hell?  Knowing the full nature of God, I believe that His desire is that all will come to know His Son {1 John 4:8, John 3:17}.  Yet how will they know if someone never tells them of Jesus?  

For God's indignation is being revealed from heaven on all the irreverence and injustice of men who are retaining the truth in injustice, because that which is known of God is apparent among them, for God manifests it to them.  For His invisible attributes are descried from the creation of the world, being apprehended by His achievements, besides His imperceptible power and divinity, for them to be defenseless, because, knowing God, not as God do they glorify or thank Him, but vain were they made in their reasonings, and darkened is their unintelligent heart.

Romans 1: 18-21, Concordant New Testament 


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