Saturday, February 3, 2024

Presumption Of Faith


Now Thomas, one of the twelve, termed Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.  The other disciples, then, said to him, "We have seen the Lord!"  Yet he said to them, "Should I not perceive in His hands the print of the nails, and thrust my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will by no means be believing."  And after eight days His disciples were again within, and Thomas was with them.  The doors having been locked, Jesus is coming and stood in the midst and said, "Peace to you!"  Thereafter He is saying to Thomas, "Bring your finger here and perceive My hands, and bring your hand and thrust it into My side, and do not become unbelieving, but believing."  And Thomas answered and said to Him, my Lord and my God!"  Now Jesus is saying to him, "Seeing that you have seen Me, you have believed.  Happy are those who are not perceiving and believe."  

John's Account 20: 24-29, Concordant New Testament 

What does it take to understand that God will provide for what we ask?  Perseverance?  Trust?  Knowing?  Perhaps all of the above.  For scripture speaks of those who have prayed continuously and have had their prayers answered.  Jesus speaks that what we ask for in prayer, believing, we shall have it {Matthews Account 21:22}.  There has also surely been those who in their hearts KNOW that the Father exists and He rewards those who seek Him {To The Hebrews 11:6}.  Personally, I do not think that there is a magic formula which we can use in order that God will answer our prayers to our satisfaction.  There are those of the "Name it and claim it" belief that have claimed that we can ask the Lord for whatever we feel we need or deserve and expect that God will provide what it is we are asking.  That's a good story if you can sell it.  Of course, the mainstream church through the years has done a bang up job selling the claim that prayer is a wish list for our own needs.  A dear friend countered this teaching this week with one question...did Jesus ever pray for His personal needs?  That was a gut punch for me.  I was raised in the halls of the institutional church where I was taught that I could ask God for just about anything and expect that there was a good chance that He would honor my request.  Don't get me wrong, Jesus could very well have requested that His destiny be changed.  Yet, He chose the path He knew the Father had chosen for Him.  He did, of course, have moments of second thoughts along the way.  I mentioned to my friend the moment in which Jesus prayed that the Father allow His cup to pass from Him {Matthews Accoount 26:39}.  Obviously, Jesus was feeling overwhelmed with His situation and showed us a bit of His human side here.  However, it is important to recall His response..."Not as I will, but as Thou!"  Jesus understood that were the Father to grant His request and remove the cup from Him, that the entire world would suffer.  

For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is Gods approach present, not of works, lest anyone should be boasting. 

Paul To The Ephesians 2: 8-9, Concordant New Testament 

For as many have been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, how many understand the true meaning of their reward?  How many know in their heart of hearts that it has nothing to do with our own efforts and everything to do with Jesus giving Himself for us?  If we understand this, then we have shown our faith.  We know and we understand that Jesus became sin that our own would be washed away {Paul To The Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  There is nothing physical which has given us proof of our salvation, we simply know that we know.  THAT, in a nutshell, is faith.  That is what millions of believers across the world struggle to achieve.  It has been the subject of countless seminars and sermons.  Indeed, the mainstream church needs to sell the idea that our faith is something we can use to get what we want.  In reality, our faith is the understanding we have that the world was created by what we do not see {To The Hebrews 11:3}.  If you know and understand this, then congratulations, you have shown your own faith and understanding.  I'll admit that I have struggled with realizing my own faith this week in the midst of an upcoming difficult situation.  I've not fallen into the trap of seeing my faith as a wish list for my pleasures.  However, I have been reassured by a dear friend that faith is knowing.  Faith is knowing that which we face will be in the Fathers hands.  We will never be in this fight alone.  If you feel alone in your situation, then faith has not revealed to you the truth we have in the Father.  I truly believe that He delights in hearing from His children.  I believe that He delights in working good in our lives.  Above all, it is His love which covers us {First Epistle Of John 4:8}.  By my faith I know this to be true.  


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