Saturday, February 17, 2024

Strange Bedfellows


Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to Him who subjects all to Him, that God may be all in all. 

Paul To The Corinthians  (1) 15: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Having been enduring a few trying times lately, I've often wondered why it is that the Father would allow Satan to treat me in such a way.  In fact, this is usually the first reaction of many Christians who know not the truth of the Father.  When bad times come, it is the accuser who orchestrates them.  Satan sought permission from God and then brought tragedy upon Job.  It seems that whenever we are in a bad situation, the accuser has his hands all over it.  However, the other day I contemplated what I know to be the truth.  That being that the Father Himself CREATED Satan.  Indeed, Lucifer was among the finest of the angels in the Lords creation.  Yet, through his own pride, Lucifer was cast out {Isaiah 14: 12-15}.  Although it is a comfort that the accuser seeks the Lords permission in order to cause havoc in our lives, it's not the whole story.  The apostle Paul calls upon us to rejoice in our infirmities {Romans 5:3-4}.  I get that enduring our afflictions will eventually produce the endurance, Character and hope which the apostle claims, but what is the meaning of rejoicing in our bad times?  As a Christian, I always believed that it was the nature of the Father to comfort those who were afflicted.  While I still believe that in my heart, my perspective has changed.  Why would Paul proclaim that we should rejoice in our afflictions?  Paul, a man endeavored to knowing and loving Christ Jesus.  A man who speaks to the truth of the indwelling Christ {Paul To The Galatians 2:20}.  Paul understood that throughout his afflictions, and he had many, that the Father was closer to him than he had previously known.  He knew that God WAS IN his infirmities.  Paul also understood that Satan had NO power or influence over the Father.  What a blessing it is to have the revelation that the Father is in the midst of our troubles!  That there is NOTHING we will ever face in which God is not a intimate part of.  Yet understanding this revelation also meant understanding the truth of the Father in our lives.  

There is no independent, self-operating self in the universe, except the One who calls Himself the I AM {Exodus 3:14} and says, "I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside Me {Isaiah 45:5}.

Norman Grubb ~ No Independent Self 

When we understand the words of Paul in Galatians, we understand that we, as individuals, no longer exist.  That person was crucified with Christ on the cross.  What now Christ Jesus.  Alas, understanding that there are no independent beings in the Fathers creation blows the lid off our previous understanding of Satan.  Satan is not the free wheeling devil roaming about the Lords creation causing trouble for the Lords children.  For this leads us to believe that Satan is an independent self.  Again, there are NO independent beings in the universe.  Now for the part I often struggled with, that God Himself was in the midst of my infirmities.  By this I understand that God created the universe, that He created Satan the accuser AND He is in every aspect of His creation.  That is, God is all in all {Paul To The Corinthians (1) 15:28}.  To understand that the Father is all in all is also to understand that He is in the midst of our troubles.  There is nothing we will ever endure that God will not be a part of.  So, where does that leave the accuser?  Well, if you heed the words of the Author Norman Grubb, Satan is nothing but a tool for the works of the Father.  That is, whatever the accuser does, God is one hundred percent in the middle of it all.  Paul knew and understood this as he rejoiced in his infirmities.  I am reminded of a clip from one of my favorite Star Trek films.  The venerable captain Kirk has narrowly escaped another adversary by being rescued, it seems, by his enemy the Klingons.  However, when he is transported aboard the Klingon vessel he is reunited with first officer Spock.  Spock and the Klingons?  What strange bedfellows!  Confiding to his first officer, Kirk proclaims that he thought he was going to die.  In perfect Spock fashion his second in command responds, "Impossible, captain, you were never alone."  So it is with our heavenly Father. 

Satan is Gods convenient agent 

Norman Grubb


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