Saturday, April 20, 2024

Daughters Of Men


The sons of  the Elohim saw the daughters of the human that they were good looking.  So they took wives for themselves from any whom they chose. 

Genesis 6: 2, Concordant Old Testament 

Here is a stunning statistic.  12 Billion dollars annually in the United States goes into...pornography.  At any given moment in time, over 28,000 people are viewing porn on the internet.  35% of all internet downloads are pornography related.  In 2018, users collectively watched 5,824,629,200 hours worth of porn.  We have a problem.  Unfortunately, this is a subject which I am fairly familiar with as I once counted myself to be addicted to this junk.  What was once seen as somewhat forbidden has now become common in our culture.  Yet ask any person addicted to pornography if they are aware that the images they are viewing are someone's wife or daughter and you might just get a blank stare.  The addiction is that strong.  Yes, I call it an addiction just as I realized that I was addicted as well.  Those who justify the use of pornography refer to it as either a coping mechanism or a pleasure of life.  Indeed, the list is long of those who have viewed pornographic images and in then committed violence against women.  Pornography is a trigger for things far uglier.  I was fortunate enough to learn the lies of pornography before it was too late.  I frequented many a nude bar in my time.  Yet on one night I was stopped in my tracks by a feeling in my spirit that this was not the place for me.  I praise and thank the Father for my revelation that night.  Believe me, I prayed A LOT that my desire for those images would fade away.  I would walk into church each Sunday knowing what I had done.  Knowing that God did not approve of it.  When people talk of the guilt and shame of sin, I've walked that road!  However, I've also known the love and forgiveness which the Father gives to all who desire it.  Trust me, a life in the Father is much better than a life lived as a slave to a lie.  

With Christ have I been crucified, yet I am living; no longer I, but living in me is Christ.  Now that which I am now living in the flesh, I am living in faith that is of the Son of God, Who loves me, and gives Himself up for me. 

Paul To The Galatians 2: 20, Concordant New Testament 

It is interesting that Moses describes in Genesis the erosion of human which God had created.  How the sons of the Lord chose freely from the daughters of the human whomever they desired to be their wife {Genesis 6:2}.  Sounds a bit like todays society huh?  What many fail to realize is that what Moses was describing was the lead up to the flood which God brought upon the earth.  The wickedness of man had reached the point where God pushed the reset button.  One of things I've realized since I've been working to overcome my addiction is that each and every image plastered on the internet of an attractive woman is indeed a daughter or mother or wife.  In the same breath, I react with rage when I think of someone treating someone I know like that.  Yet I was doing the exact same thing!  Make no mistake about it, pornography IS NOT a victimless crime.  The true victims are not those enslaved to viewing the images, but those who are often forced into doing what they do.  I have no magic solution to overcoming this addiction.  However, I can speak with confidence to what opened my eyes to the truth of what I was doing.  Our prayer should not be that the Father would take away the desire, but that He would reveal to us who it is that we truly are inside.  I pray that God would shine His light and pierce the darkness of what we have considered normal for so long.  


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