Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Who I Am


In Whom there is no Jew nor yet Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus. 

Paul To The Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament 

I was going through a few health insurance forms the other day when I came across the obligatory question of my race and sex designation.  What made this interesting was the choice at the end, which simply stated "I identify as."  I contemplated a few well thought of responses before I just stated the obvious.  White male.  Of course, if you read the liberal news lately, and I try hard not to, you would get the feeling that most of the worlds problems are caused by white males.  Climate change, crime and even political uprisings.  Yes, the white male is responsible for a good many things.  Yet, on the official form I was forced to identify with someone whom society claims that I am.  The world as a whole sees me as a white male.  But is this who I truly am?  If not, who am I?  Who are we?  The apostle Paul shed some light on this question in his letter to the Galatians.  Paul proclaimed that we are not as the world sees us.  For there are no male nor female, nor white nor black, there is only Christ Jesus {Paul To The Galatians 3:28}.  More importantly, as Paul proclaims, we are all one in Christ.  For it has never been God who chose to separate His children into categories.  To classify His creation based on the color of their skin.  No, this was mans idea all along.  The late Martin Luther King Jr. once spoke of a day when men would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  That day has yet to come.  Instead, we base every aspect of our society on race and sex.  Sometimes even those lines have become blurred by mans efforts.  Case in point, the recent transgender efforts.  We now have women who identify as men and men who see themselves as women.  If you don't feel like a man, you can check that box and identify as a female.  I might be old fashioned, but I tend to look at things how Jesus sees them.  So, how does Jesus see someone who chooses to identify as a member of the opposite sex?  Well, I would say that Jesus views this person as he was originally created.  That being in the spirit image of the Father {Genesis 1:27}.  Of course, this might send many a liberal into fits, but it doesn't take away from the truth of who we truly are.  

Now he who joins the Lord is one spirit.

Paul To The Corinthians (1) 6: 17, Concordant New Testament 

I believe that what would help people understand who they truly are is to see themselves as we are, in spirit and not in the flesh {Paul To The Romans 8:9}.  Of course, this might be a tough ask for a lot of people who continue to view themselves by what they see with their eyes.  When I was younger, I tended to see God as resembling my own flesh.  After all, I was created in His image, right?  Wouldn't God look like me?  Unfortunately, that is the wrong way of seeing things in the spirit reality.  In the spirit reality of our true identity, we all bare the same exact spirit image of the Father who created us.  This is who we are in Him. It is the Father who breathed life into these flesh vessels which contain the spirit {Genesis 2:7}.  It is not our flesh which defines us, but the spirit of His very image.  So it is that someone who suddenly decides that no longer "feel" like a man, but as a woman is only fooling himself.  They are missing the point entirely.  This is one situation where what we see IS NOT what we get.  Despite the scriptures speaking to our spirit identity, many believers continue to live in a false reality.  That the flesh is who we are.  Maybe so, but it's not who I am.  

You are not in flesh, but in spirit, if so be that Gods spirit is making its home in you.  Now if anyone has not Christs spirit, this one is not His. 

Paul To The Romans 8:9, Concordant New Testament 


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